View Full Version : Yellow Ackie Sex Change Question

01-30-2003, 02:09 PM
I have heard that raising baby ackies together in groups of 4 or 5 will always give you 2.2 or 2.3. They say they change there sex as they get older. I have bred and raised a lot of yellow ackies. We kept 2 seperate cages with only 2 per cage. We raised these up for 1 year. In one cage we had 2 males. In the other cage we had 2 females. If they were always supposed to split wouldn't I have had 1.1 in each cage? I was wondering if anyone has any info on this. Just found it interesting and we haven't had any topics in here for a while. Thanks.

Tony Alles

03-06-2004, 11:27 PM
thats wut that theory is

03-22-2004, 10:37 AM
First off, I think FR, the one who developed this "theory" talks out his a** sometimes, just to glorify himself. Secondly, I have seen instances where this weren't the case, just as in yours, tony. It is a mere probability. As in humans, there are families, where there are six children all girls, or all boys, there are also combinations of both. statistically, if you looked at the majority of families with more than one child, you would probably see that it balances out. Personally, I just don't believe this changing of sex thing. Sex in all advanced lifeforms are predertmined genetically prior to birth, although there are some anurian exceptions to this. I think it is just playing lottery, it's all luck and statistics, but in most cases, theoretically, in a group of three, you should see a difference in sex, but not always.

Look at Joe Lewis at RareEarth....he bought ten or eleven hatchling Pilbara Rock Monitors(a messload of $$) from FR, and he only got ONE Female out of the entire bunch!!!!! That is terrible luck, but look at joe now, with that one female, he has built up an army of pilbaras now, and produces much more colorful ones that mr retes...

It's all statistical....

bob mendyk
-the odatriad