View Full Version : Het Red Axanthics

Corey Woods
10-21-2003, 05:57 PM
2002 Red Axanthic female beside a 2003 Pastel Orange Ghost.

<img src="http://coreywoods.com/PastelOrangeGhost/Pastel%20Orange%20Ghost%20Red%20Axanthic%208314.jp g">

Red Axanthic Heat Shot (yearling female)

<img src="http://coreywoods.com/Axanthics/Red%20Axanthic%207669.JPG">

Het Red Axanthics

<img src="http://coreywoods.com/Axanthics/Het%20Red%20Axanthics%208245.jpg">

Offspring from my Red Axanthic male bred to normal females.

Red Axanthics are Co-Dominant. The Red Axanthics are comparable to a Super Pastel and the Black Backs "Het" Red Axanthics would be comparable to a Pastel.

4.0 Het Red Axanthic (Produced from breeding a Red Axanthic male to Normal females) $3500 US each.

4.4 Het Red Axanthic (Produced from breeding a Red Axanthic male to normal females) $10,000 US/pair.

The combinations with the Red Axanthic trait are limitless!

For more information please contact me via email or by phone at 519-648-3114.

I am able to clear the animals into the USA for those of you not interested in dealing with CITES/Customs.

Corey Woods