View Full Version : Neon Grasshoppers and more

10-31-2003, 06:21 PM
Just got a nice batch of horse lubber grasshoppers. These look like neoprene kids toys in black with bright orange and yellow highlights. So colorful it is tough at first to believe they are real. Size at maturity up to 4 or 5 inches.


Centruroides exilicauda Bark Scorpion 2-3 inch $12
Diplocentrus spitzeri Scorpion babies $20
Hadrurus arizonensis Desert Hairy Scorpion 4-6 inch $20
Smeringus mesaensis Scorpion 1-4 inch $20
Vaejovis spinigeris Lined Devil 1-2 inch $10


Acanthoscurria geniculata white banded or white knee 4 inch + $75
Aphonopelma anax Texas Tan 3 inch $30
Aphonopelma behlei Grand Canyon Black 1/4 inch $25
Aphonopelma behlei Grand Canyon Black 1-2 inch $40
Aphonopelma chalcodes Mexican Blond 3 inch $35
Aphonopelma chalcodes Mexican Blond 2 inch $25
Aphonopelma chalcodes Mexican Blond 1 inch $15
Aphonopelma hentzi Texas Brown 1/4 inch $5
Aphonopelma iodium 4 inch $50
Aphonopelma moderatum Rio Grande Gold 1 1/2 - 2 inch $20
Aphonopelma smithi California ebony 4 inch $50
Aphonopelma species Carlsbad green 4 inch $50
Aphonopelma species Carlsbad green 1/4 inch $8
Aphonopelma wichitanum Wichita Mt. Red 1/4 inch $15
Avicularia versicolor Antilles pink toe 1/2 - 1 inch $25
Brachypelma albopilosum Curly Hair 1/4 inch $8
Brachypelma boehmei Mexican Rustleg 1/3 inch $18
Brachypelma epicureanum Yucatan Rustrump 3 inch $40
Brachypelma ruhnaui Mexican Golden Redrump 1/3 inch $45
Brachypelma smithi Mexican red knee 2-3 inch $50
Brachypelma smithi Mexican red knee 1/4 inch $20
Brachypelma vagans Mexican Redrump 1 inch $12
Cyclosternum fasciatum Costa Rican Tigerrump 1 inch $30
Grammostola rosea Chilean Rose Hair 1/2 inch $8
Hysterocrates gigas Cameroon Rusty Red Baboon 2 inch $15
Lasiodora parahybana Brazilian salmon 4-5 inches $65
Lasiodora parahybana Brazilian salmon 3 inch $40
Pterinochilus murinus Kenyan Sunburst Baboon 1/2 inch $10
Stromatopelma calceatum Featherleg Baboon 2-3 inch $45
Latrodectrus hesperus Western widow 1+ inch $12


Scolopendra polymorpha 2-3 inch $8
Scolopendra polymorpha 4-6 inch as available $12
Scolopendra species Blue Ringed (likely morsitans) 4-6 inch $35


Blaberus giganteus South American Giant Cockroach nymphs $3
Blaptica dubia nymphs $1.50
Eublaberus prosticus Orange head Cockroach nymphs $2.50
Gromphadorhina portentosa Madagascan hisser nymphs to adult $2.00
Nauphoeta cinerea Lobster roach nymphs $1.00


Orthoporus ornatus Chocolate Millipede 3-6 inches $8


Platymeris biguttata White Spot Assassin medium nymphs $8
Platymeris rhadamanthus Red Spot Assassin medium nymphs $12
Platymeris species 'Mombo' Orange Spot Assassin medium nymphs $20


Taeniopoda eques Horse Lubber Grasshopper 3-5 inch $12