View Full Version : Just how often can/should pinkies be fed?

02-05-2004, 09:08 PM
I was taken a back when I heard that someone fed their leo a pinkie every week and it made up most of the leo's diet. Most of the time I hear owners will only feed pinkies to egglaying females.

My question is, how often is okay? Once a month? Every week? Twice a year? Are they addictive like waxworms are?

Also, I hear leos are found in many rodent burrows in their native habitats. Do leos eat rodents in the wild? Is it something that is known?


Golden Gate Geckos
02-05-2004, 10:19 PM
I give my egg-laying females a pinkie after every clutch they lay, and every couple of weeks when I am getting them into breeding condition. I don't give them to my others unless they need to pick up a few grams. I actually have a male that is terrified of them, and goes completely ballistic when they are put in the bowl!

Steph Scranton
02-07-2004, 11:07 PM
Mine get pinkies alot at times, and other times they get none at all. During breeding season they get about one a week, unless they lost a bit more wieght then they get more. However, when we had the baby chondros and were trying to get those to eat, the geckos got the leftover pinkies. Needless to say, They got quite a few over the course of several weeks.

As of right now, I don't think any have had pinkies in at least two months.

02-08-2004, 12:32 AM
would it be possible for a leo to start having kidney problems with too many pinks (i.e. entirely fed on a diet of pinks)?

I know in humans you can get uric acid stones and eventual kidney failure if you eat nothing but meat. I got stones a few years ago and alot of them (almost one a month for a year) and I blame it on all the burgers and steaks and all that soda I been drinking (bleh college life), and OOOHHH MAN they're the worst things ever to happen to a human being. I haven't had one for a while now since I changed up to mostly grain/wheat/fish and meat occassionally (I still love my beef).

I think the worst part about it was when I found out I had a bad reaction to morphine (which was the first drug they give you if you have a stone), my neck and jaw locked up and I started salivating profusely and sorta passed out, and when I came to I vomited (not cool if you're already in alot of pain). Luckily Toradol works just as well for relieving the pain, but I just went waayyy off topic... I'd feel horrible if my leo had a kidney stone and had to go through all that pain.
