View Full Version : what a day...........

robin d.
03-16-2004, 03:57 PM
woke up at 1pm...
let my fingers do the walking for nearly an hour
checked for eggs and hatchlings
now im sitting here at my desk listening to sarah malachlan, afterglow, reading the bia and picking wax worms...
what more could you ask for on your day off???

i was watching my soaps but the station went out... maybe ill clean or do some wash, my husband might like that :rolleyes:

sp how is your day?

robin d.
03-16-2004, 04:00 PM
reading the bia

that should be BOI/ faunaclassifieds....

03-16-2004, 04:44 PM
All I can say is that I'm jealous...

robin d.
03-16-2004, 04:55 PM
well yesterday, kelli came down to visit for a bit.. and later in the afternoon i cleaned leocages and snake cages.. changed allwater and foos bowls fed and cleaned geckos tubs and water and feed bpowls.......... and slept LOL........tonight when my husband gets home we will do more snake work.......
we have no kids so our animals are our babies.......

and considering i cant drive (or wont drive) when im off until my hubby gets home im just here taking care of the animals doing my thing.........

the days i work are much different, not so laid back.....
it consistst of working geckos in the morning starting at around 7am take a short nap before work go to work come home do wash grab something quick to eat and do more snake and geckos work til around 2-3 am

04-19-2004, 11:40 AM
I love waking up late.
Goood stuff.
I have a post which depicts my excellent Sunday which you should check out. I was stoked, and I am stille xcited from yesterday.
Mike Fortier.

04-23-2004, 11:33 AM
tonight when my husband gets home we will do more snake work.......


Interesting name for fooling around ;-)


Had to do it.
