View Full Version : Veggie garden pictures

03-27-2014, 09:03 AM
I have a tiny garden area in the back where I am growing chard, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, dwarf citrus, cucumbers, onions,beans, blackberries, yellow squash (Of course it is early in the year and the plants are still tiny) and still to be planted are sweet potatoes, melons, winter squash. For those of you who like me have just a little bit of land, growing intensively can yield quite a bit of veggies and the small areas makes watering ,fertilizing and caring for the garden easier.
The first pic is of a citrus flower, I just thought it was pretty. The second is of the garden, complete with decoration. Right outside the garden is a bench and an area for the dogs to play, the whole area although not fancy was done to be comfortable and to be a place where I want to go, since later in the summer when temps reach 100 it is tempting to put off going outdoors to do stuff.
The last pic is the 'Big Toad Motel'. Not pictured to the left are little pools, it was made to be a place where toads would have water and little hiding places.

03-27-2014, 12:41 PM
Color me VERY jealous as I haven't touched the veggie garden yet. It snowed a few days ago... :(

I've tried to keep my gardens simple so I grow primarily deer-proof perennials rather than annuals. I put in raspberries and asparagus a few years ago, and am expecting nice crops of each later this year. I also have dwarf blueberry bushes in the front yard that should start producing this year - with their white flowers in the spring and red leaves in the fall dwarf blueberry bushes are a good "front yard pretty" plant, and they require minimal maintenance and pruning. I'm also looking at some flowering/"pretty" perennial herbs for the front to put in this year.

I'm going to forego planting tomatoes, squash, eggplant, and cucumbers as everyone raises them, you can't even give them away in late summer.