View Full Version : What is this ball of web?

10-13-2004, 08:34 PM
I posted a little while ago about our rose-haired tarantula making lots of webs. Look at this picture and tell me what the heck this white ball of web is. It has been standing over it since it made it this AM.




10-18-2004, 04:12 PM
Looks like an eggsac..

John Apple
10-19-2004, 05:00 PM
you will soon have about 2-500 baby rosies, she when ready will tear open the sac so they can excape and disperse, or you can take the sac at 23 days carefully open it up and you will see eggs with legs. The spiderlings will darken up after one or two weeks and then shed . At this time they will be very hungry so get some deli cups seperate them and feed well. They will look like pink spiders with a black spot on the rump [the urticating hairs].

Real neet though and cobgrats.. Just wondering this was an import you bought from a store???
take care