View Full Version : Caramel Pink Res

11-14-2016, 09:42 PM
I have Caramel Pink Res available, many to choose from. I also have one Caramel Pink Res (Het Snow) available. Also, albino res hatchlings available. Also available a handful of green, albino double hets (available free with purchase).

Prices are asking....

Albino Baby Res $375.00 PERFECT obo
Caramel Pink Res $2200.00 PERFECT obo
Caramel Pink Res (Het Snow) $2750.00 PERFECT obo

As you can see, prices are down right now, great time to buy. Prices are subject to change without notice. And I will consider any trade offers. Especially if I can start new projects, or get more Charcoal Res, or hets.

Sorry, no payment promises anymore, unless your a preferred buyer. Other buyers can buy from me using a preferred buyer. Thank you for looking.

Chris Davis / Calebroad

04-18-2019, 01:02 PM
I don't think anyone should buy from Chris but after reading his latest BOI thread I think he is especially verbally abusive of women.