View Full Version : That's not a Wooly Bear

09-22-2005, 07:20 AM
So what is it?

John Apple
09-24-2005, 07:22 PM
Hey Dave
I think that is exactly what you got...my kids and I find wooley bears that are sometimes all black and some with the normal two tone coloring.
That guy[or gal] looks like it has some heavy fur so watch out for a bad winter...farmers almanac jargin.
feed it and hibernate it and see what developes
see ya in two weeks

09-24-2005, 09:41 PM
The banded wooly bear is a different species that these, but closely related. This one is from an "eyed tiger moth", and the banded type are "isabella tiger moths". Try doing a search on www.whatsthatbug.com.

09-26-2005, 09:27 AM
OK, I always was told that the width of the band on the striped wooly bear foretold of how severe the winter was going to be....(yeah, I know, old farmer talk, lol) but they ALL look pretty darn furry to me, never heard that the thickness of their "coat" was a sign too!! ;)

FYI.....my horses are already starting to get a winter coat on them....NOT a good sign, they always seem to know how cold the winter is going to be!!

John Apple
09-26-2005, 03:25 PM
Well Dave you were right and wrong I was, something I kinda wonder about though...As we all know it seems all corns and rat snakes interbreed and mix in collections producing morphs...I wonder if this is possible with moths and some insects, but then maybe not as pheremones might be specie specific.
The squirrels and wollies up here are slight banded this year and not bushy tailed so I wonder what my winter might be like :hot: