View Full Version : Just a General HI

11-12-2005, 02:17 PM
I signed up a couple years ago, forgot my info and have just signed up again! I know that I will be able to learn lots of new info and maybe even be able to give some. (not to sure on that, everyone seems hella more informed than me) but just wanted to say hi and see if I got all my p'z and q'z in order so that I can post. :eatpointe

11-12-2005, 02:28 PM
Welcome, Christina....or welcome back, as the case may be!! :)

Uh, speaking of having your p's and q's in order....you may want to edit your signature line...there is a limit of being 4 lines long. Don't want you to get sent to the naughty corner on your fisrt day back! ;)

11-12-2005, 11:26 PM
Don't want you to get sent to the naughty corner on your fisrt day back! ;)

Hmmmm........ is the naughty corner fun?? Probably not since I have no karma to protect me yet. Well actually I do sorta have karma to protect me....... my male dragon's name is Karma and he is very protective of his little harem.

Thanks for the info Cat and the gentle warning, guess I missed that line when reading. Fixed it pronto so the big guys won't yell.

11-13-2005, 05:19 AM
Welcome, Christina!!!

11-13-2005, 11:33 AM
Glad to be of help Christina. The naughty corner isn't nearly as much fun here as the name may imply.... :hehe: