View Full Version : Unusual Reptarium Inhabitant

02-24-2006, 07:04 PM
Who says only reptiles need to live in reptariums! Take a look at this guy!



I've recently been working with a wildlife rehabilitator, and this guy (along with 4 others) all got hit by cars and can't be released into the wild. These reptariums make fantastic enclosures for them! They're also superb for songbirds in the spring rush too!

You can imagine my surprise when I first saw how these reptariums were used. I thought it was a really novel idea of the rehabber. :) I had an extra 60 gallon reptarium lying around so I went ahead and donated it. I bought it originally for my leopard geckos but it didn't work very well for them (too hard to heat). Ellen always needs extra cage room in the spring.

Now for the shameless sales pitch. If any of you guys would like a tax writeoff and have some reptariums around you aren't using (we can patch 'em too, so no worries about busted screens), please consider us! :) They'll be put to good use, I assure you!


02-24-2006, 07:13 PM
I was thinking of using my spare 260 reptarium for my parakeets but was told they would chew their way out.....I really believed they would make great bird cages so you have proven my theory.
Great looking owl btw :)

02-24-2006, 07:21 PM
Well, one of our screech owls DID chew through the mesh. We've given up on her though, she lives in the screened in porch quite happily now. :) She can fly, just not far, and with free mice around she really has no real ambition to try to escape. It's really cute walking in the porch and finding a sleeping screech owl nestled away in a corner!

But yeah, I bet you could keep parakeets in there with no problem, provided you give them plenty of other stuff to chew on.

02-24-2006, 07:49 PM
Mine fly about the herp room now---they love the freedom and the space and basically rule the room :)

02-24-2006, 11:28 PM
What a beautiful owl. I just love their eyes.