View Full Version : Shedding in gravid rosy ?'s

07-01-2006, 12:43 AM
I'm new to breeding snakes and I paired two of my rosy's up this year. I've suspended the introductions a couple of weeks ago when the pair lost interest in each other. The female has been thickening noticeably. She went opaque this week. I've read that snakes shed shortly before laying, birthing too? Do the intervening sheds signify any other events? Does being gravid alter the shed cycle (this female tends to go 4 - 6 months between sheds and if she's pregnant, I'd expect her to give birth in October?) ?


07-05-2006, 09:20 AM
I haven't kept shed cycle info on my rosies yet, but nearly all of my gravid rosies have shed recently.

07-08-2006, 02:27 AM
That's good to hear. She just shed and I'm really hoping she's gravid. I really need to start keeping records too. Maybe I'll get motivated and make myself some datasheets this weekend. Back when I took care of the herp collection at my university, the old care records were a great resource in terms of tracking trends and seeing what was normal for each animal.
