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  • Your pairing (YB het pied x pied breeding) could have resulted in a Het Pied...but all YB pairings to another morph will not result in a YB hatchling.

    Het Pied to Pied would result in Pieds or 100% Hets. The YB is "extra" all the hatchlings will not necessarily be YB.
    Send me a link to your ad again? I looked at the other one, and it has a marblized belly (marble lish). If you look on the sides it looks like the pattern has broken and spilled to the bottom..it's mixed with gold/tan/brown...not a complete brown on white belly or black on white belly.
    Hope this helped.
    The belly markers aren't there, the flames aren't there..too many of the markers that I look for aren't there. Maybe try doing a Google and looking at some images of YBs would help?

    Since there ARE markers on the belly, it would not make sense that they aren't the right kind, if it's a YB? Does this make sense? The marks on the Belly aren't even in the right place.
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