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  • Whats goin on? Aint heard from you in awhile(a coons age) How are those j's doin? Get that female up to size-feed her twice as much, so's to produce some wild stuff again! Sold one of my breeder Hondo-kings,just have my pretty boy and the hypo-brown fem. for this year. I hope to have a good year for breeding--lot's of Jungles(3fems,2m's),gaigei x nigrita should be good by april, and prob.3Jurassics w/ 3males to choose from.later,davy.
    The Curritucks are giving me fits--half won't eat tried scenting w/o sucess-Have to pump. The alb.hondokings are eating and growing like weeds. Two of sm.'s have shed--can't keep em all--gotta get a camera & start selling on fauna-waiting for $ to drop from sky!
    Did you get pictures of the 4th hatchling? I would love to see. Can't wait to see all the new specimens.
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