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  • If you have a question, please don't ask me via bad karma. I was letting him know that he had pictures posted in case he wanted to see them. :)
    been good as just finishing the season off with some girls still laying.really late season for me.i have a few for back up for this season.but we shall see.
    I appreciate that more then you know.. I completely understand.. I should have refunded you before I made the other purchase.. I didn't think my computer would do that to me so it's completely my fault... We all learn from our mistakes and I have learned a VERY Valuable lesson in this! Thank you for showing me the errors of my ways :)
    I payed that person for the snake.. went to pay your refund and the computer froze up on me... I found your paypal addy and sent the payment this afternoon as soon as I could get paypal working again. I have dial-up so my computer is extremely touchy about secure sites! I really am sorry about the whole situation and I wasn't trying to beat around the bush with you... I did make it right and hope that all is square!
    Deb, I asked you to give me some time to make sure that the person I sold the Het Albinos to was satisfied with them. I just E-mailed him and received a response last night that they were doing fine so I was going to refund the money. I couldn't get into my paypal account to send the money to you. I am in there now but I need your paypal address again so that I can send that to you now!
    I read the whole thing.

    You didn't give me BK for anything in your post. You went to Christina Davis thread and picked out a post to give me bad karma for. So if you are now saying that it was for giving you bad karma (before reading the whole would YOU know that?) that you gave me bad karma in CD thread for giving you BK in your post..that sounds awfully like "retaliation." You want to be careful with that.

    If you can't find a legitimate post within YOUR thread to give me BK seems childish to search other threads and give a FAKE BK for something that happened in YOUR thread. But you are welcome to give as much BK as you please. :)
    Was talking about my post where you just have me bad karma before reading the whole thing, I already said I'd replace his reptile.
    I need to get an avatar one of these days. I'm getting tired of looking at the question mark.
    Yeah, unfortunately it seems like a lot of people just use it to beat up or retaliate against one another...
    Thanks for the Karma feedback (both positive and negative). Sometimes I need to be grounded when emotions get the better of me!
    Haha yea :D

    I browse the BOI a lot, but don't post a whole bunch. I'm mostly on as cinderbird :) Do you go to any of the shows here?
    noooooo...I'm still leetle Nicky :)

    The blue username is loud enough...caps would be overkill :)
    PSH! I'm sure there's plenty I can learn just from you, but thank you all the same. ^.^

    Hopefully we'll run into one another some day. That'd be epic.
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