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  • corky,company changed a bit huh.no dragon today or trackn # with me call 20 times.whats the deal.get back to me plz.says in guarantee theres a trakn # an next day delivery.like a call or email.nicole hampton/hann thanks 207 450 6550
    yyhkg kkkstkllkguuyiityitkkknnvvbvccxzdhjnkbknlmfkfhn xdgnnbmngjlhjjhlbhgolohnnmmnnnnnnnnnmvf,k,khkrthk nnnnkbnjggt/ hnknnhhnccxchhhkmkkkkdkdkdkkkfjfkjjjjujffjfjfjfjjfjfjfjvkkofoofofoorororreoewjjkorembvcxxzzxdytjhj,,f,,f,,g,,g, , ,, h,rtgbhncjhjxv nxn mjfjdkcifophlklfgv,,gkg,fkfkvkfkmnnnnnnmnnnkfvmk vifvgv bvvfghthh

    Your pm box is full and the phone # on your site isn't working. Please pm me regarding the dragon you sent me today.
    Hey Corky!! I deactivated FB for a while. Gary is 10" as of today. :) Ill keep you updated. :D
    Thank you so much for my little guy! He is even more beautiful in person then what the pics showed! Very alert and happy already. What a cutie!
    I have never seen a more beautiful dragon! just got her about 5min ago and she is warming up.the heat pack was still warm and she is alright,and will be ready to eat some calci worms and dubia in no time. great dragon, corky thank u she is awsome.
    her color is unreal better than in the pic.
    also i will now have to post a you tube video of her! i will give you a shout out in the video,corky thanx again.

    mark, one satisfied customer
    Hey guys! Do you have any yellow babies? female or male, leather, hypo and trans are a

    LOl, your welcome just take good care of that little trans leather freebie, he is a great dragon, and such nice color on him i know you will just enjoy him to the fullest.

    just wanted to say thanks for the original female trans and the 350.00 male trans she threw in to.thats right dont bel. ask her.thank u so much.merry christmas
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