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  • XD i havent been this bored in a looooong time. i think im gunna try to watch some TV soon X_X
    rage! you need your lip ring back! :p

    X_X looong teim. *makes it go faster!* >_<
    XD you iz aweshum *poke*

    right next to "view conversation" on my homepage, there should be an "edit" button for you.
    Not at all ;p you?

    Sorry to hear it, there will always be unscruplus characters in the world who make life difficult. But youre moving past it, and have put it behind you. It might have messed you up, but it also made you who you are today, and helped shaped how you look at the world. (P.s. go back and delete all the cussing, ive gotten infractions for it before.)
    Dont love it to much :p might get attached ;)

    I figured. But life DOES go on. And she WILL be able to put it behind her eventually. Even without guidance.
    XDD what about it? :p

    Still not that big. Life goes on, accept your mistakes, so on and so forth... at the end of the day, shes still lying down and sleeping. So it cant be that bad.

    Thats her issue, give her a tissue, walk away and move on. We all were young and dumb at one point.
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