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  • Have a happy and safe 4th of July!!

    No problem dude! I can't believe how dirty this guy is being and he's cool with it, LOL.
    Well glade to help lol just figured we would have some fun. Me and my husband where bored so coming up with wired thing's to do lol
    Lol. Np.

    Do I look like someone who would back down from a fight? Cuz its rather funny he's challenging me
    Hi Ryan, how's life with you today mate? Busy, I bet, sorting all those F.A.B. Chams. out to sell :-( I allways get peeved off thinking I can't buy from the States unless I spend lots of money, so I've been told by other members in the States.
    Nice man. I need to pick up some exo cages from lorren too. But im glad you had a great show man, was nice finally just gettin to bs with you for a lil. Met the famious Ryan!
    Hey ryan. How was the show for you man? Get anything besides the little beaded?
    Hi ya Ryan, looks as if you were right re-my Sambava "Sperm Plugs", 1 has dropped off, and he's still doing o.k. THANKYOU my friend :)

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