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ms_terese 10-11-2004 09:39 PM

Since Hognose_311's posts have overshadowed the original topic of this thread, I just wanted to point out that Seamus started a topic on Hognose_311's outrageous claims in *HELL*. (Look for the Michael Metzger thread.)

On a related note, the owner of the pet store that Michael claims to work for (and where the alleged venomoid surgeries were said to have been performed) has posted on that thread. I hope that people will hear his side before assuming from this thread that he allows venomoid surgeries.

GinoInDaBronx 10-11-2004 09:41 PM

good job on those hognose-boa hybrids, mikey! you really have put Dr Moreau to shame. Did your 'vet' help you with this project? Or, was he too busy venomoiding more mangroves (something akin to putting a trigger-guard on a water pistol)???

Are you still stalling? I see that you are reading this. Why dont you stop all of the lies and get back to your junior high?

Hognose_311 10-12-2004 07:41 AM

Not quite sure whats going on here....my friends been messing with my profile ever since i let him know my password so he is able to log on to my SN. My buddy Euan obviously thinks this crap, is funny, someone please explain what he has been doing so i dont have to read this 18 something pages of threads, obviously it has to do with venomoid surgery, but someone please inform me a little more.

Mustangrde1 10-12-2004 09:10 AM

Mike. Your lies and other BS are unreal and yet you are keeping it up. Even if your little buddy was doing and doing it from an outside line do you think for one minute knowing you have been watching and knowing all the e-mail notification go to your computer not his we beleive you. GIVE US ALL A BREAK AND JUST STOP POSTING your a liar and have insulted a good bussiness and bussiness man. You are now potentially going to cause him legal ramifications.

GinoInDaBronx 10-12-2004 10:58 AM

so sad
lil mikey, your posts get more and more pathetic. Even the stupidest scammers on here (bearded pets and jesse underhill) can do better than you.

Does anyone have a phone number for his parents? he has gone too far and I think that mommy and daddy metzger should be made aware of just how ignorant and pathetic their son really is.
Although, I am thinking that they wont be too surprized.

psilocybe 10-12-2004 12:24 PM

My what an interesting turn this thread has taken.

Michael, I take back anything nice I said about you. You are obviously a liar of the worst kind, one that lies for NO REASON WHATSOEVER. The pet store you advertise as your own (or one you work for) has stepped forth and informed us that you only volunteer from time to time. I'm sure he is not happy you made us believe that he allows venomoid butchery to be performed on his premises.

Obviously your b.s. about a licensed vet are lies as well. I don't doubt you keep venomoids however, you fit the profile of the type of people most venomoid keepers and hackers are...scum.

vferra7777 10-13-2004 02:40 PM

I am The Owner of the Pet store
Hello. I am Vinny Ferraiolo, owner of Off the Ark. Mike does not work for us, we do not do anything more invasive than untangling hedgehogs and cleaning off the "cheese" on some very cold animal's mouths. I know Michael and want to repay his kind words on me back to him, so I will post his home phone number as soon as i find it. Please call his father and step mother with your comments. THEY seem very nice. They may well appreciate your honesty and together we may allow Mike to see how stupid he has been, how damaging he has been and how dissapointed I am. i hope he gets his stuff straight, for now I do not want to see him in my store or hear him on my phone line. I think Clover Hill High School, where he posts from, would also like to hear about his ILLEGAL posts made from their brand new computers. Sorry about all this stuff, I thought you were different Mike. YOU ARE A FOOL!!!

snakegetters 10-13-2004 04:36 PM

Re: I am The Owner of the Pet store

Originally posted by vferra7777
Hello. I am Vinny Ferraiolo, owner of Off the Ark. Mike does not work for us, we do not do anything more invasive than untangling hedgehogs and cleaning off the "cheese" on some very cold animal's mouths.
Thanks for clearing that up.

Just fyi, veterinarians back in the 1970's and earlier used to consider cold an effective immobilizing agent for doing veterinary procedures on snakes. More recent research has overwhelmingly demonstrated that a cold reptile patient is a) fully sensate, conscious and feeling pain, and b) dangerously immunocompromised. In short you should never, ever put a sick snake in the refrigerator so they get cold enough not to struggle.

It's more humane and effective to do veterinary procedures on snakes in their species POTZ (preferred optimum temperature zone). If the procedure is painful, it is appropriate to use sedative or anesthetic drugs such as Diazepam or isoflurane for chemical immobility, and pain relief medications such as buprenorphine, butorphanol and the locals (lidocaine, etc).

You can find more useful tips on the safe and humane veterinary restraint of venomous reptiles at http://www.snakegetters.com Same techniques are also useful for things like nasty blood pythons.

Hognose_311 10-14-2004 04:40 PM

Michael Metzger
This is Michael Metzger, i am 15 years old, I wanted to let everyone know that everything I have said is a lie... I do not do my own venomoid surgery, I do not work for Vinny, or Off The Ark. I do not now own or have ever owned any venomous snakes of any kind. Nor have I ever performed any type of surgery or operations on any animal.

I have never performed any surgeries at Off The Ark or have Seen any operations done there. I want to apologize for things i have said that have made an uproar of things on Fauna Classifieds or any place else that has been disturbed.

I want to apologize also to everyone associated with Off The Ark, or anybody who has done business with them, I only know them to be of the highest integrity when dealing with any types of animals. They would never be associated with anything that is related to the lies and garbage that i have posted on here.

I would like to apologize to all the people who take seriously the privilege of owning any animals. I have now lost the privilege of owning any types of pets or animals. i am sorry for the trouble that i know i have caused.

Michael Metzger

Gregg M 10-14-2004 05:14 PM

I know for a fact that mike did not post the above paragraphs, but maybe something good came out of this....... I realy hope he learned a good lesson...... If you lie you will be caught, especially if you lie about something you do not know much about to people who know alot about it...... If you said these things on a hedge hog site, you might have gotten away with it for alittle while.....

Also, lies can hurt not only you but other people as well...... Now you can not keep any reptiles and you have lost a knoledgable friend that could have helped you understand something about snakes and lizards.......

Anyway, Mike you have some growing and learning to do before you dive in and try to care for another living creature...... Your parents have done you (and any reptile that might have found it way into your hands) a favor and you will see this in the long run......

Man, I have a funny way of starting threads that go on forever.....LOL

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