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The BoidSmith 04-30-2003 11:52 AM


then I aged backwards in years and became a teenager
You lucky you! If only one person would ask me for a picture ID whenever I go to the theatre I would feel incredibly flattered!

dqreps 05-04-2003 09:35 AM

Steve is trying to pull one over on me also....
A couple months ago i sent steve ori $300, half down payment for a adult peach phase BCI. Here are some emails. I only have one email i saved from back then, it is the one where he gurantees his animals 100% even if you do not like the looks of it. I was trying to be real careful of him as i did not know much about him at the time. Here they are and please be patient as they may not be in any particular order.

Dallas Quarles

Hey Dallas,

I positively guarantee all of my animals 100% if you don't so much as like the way she looks. I've been trying to get Delta dase out here to set me up but it takes them forever to take care of business. To be honest I've gotten alot of response about her (probably more than the rest) and I'll have to ask 600.00 plus shipping. I won't ship until it's warm enough to guarantee her live delivery. I didn't go into this business for the money, my animals are my first priority. I would ask a half down deposit for her and the rest just before we decide the weather is good at both locations. I would ask you to check some of my references as I don't want any concerns on your part and I don't blame you a bit for not trusting anybody, your not supposed to. I won't accept a dime of your money till you fell comfortable in who I am. Hell we've got some time before the weather breaks (damn it, lol). Please call or write the following people and if these aren't enough I'll give you more. Brian Sharp, John (Rich Ihle's partner) Doug Matuszak, Todd Smith, Mike Smith (Kansas City), Craig Tanner. I've listed the more well known breeders to make it easy. I've got plenty more or you can do a search for Steve Ori or A Forgotten Realm at the Board Of Inquiry. Let me know.

Dallas Quarles <dqreps@hotmail.com> wrote:

I think i would like to buy her. She looks good in the pics but is hard to
tell from pics really. You said you gurantee satisfaction? so if i get her
and she has mites, scars, resp infection, any probs at all or i just plain
dont like the way she looks, i can return her? believe me, i like the way
she looks or i would not dish the cash you but i dont trust anyone as of
late so i must see her in person first. will you take $600 shipped delta
dash? delta would be safer it is cold here in maine. at any rate hold on to
her till i can back to you after you reply. thanks...


>Hey Dallas,
> I haven't measured her but I'd guess shes 6' +. She was born in
>early 1998. She dropped 22 in early 2001 and 35 in early 2002. She wasnt't
>bred this year although my male jungle was in the cage with her for quite
>awhile but he had just bred 2 other females and didn't seem interested but
>you never know. She is not aggressive in the least. Like all of my animals
>she is 100% satisfaction guaranteed.
> Dallas Quarles wrote:Hey, i am interested in that
>peach phase col proven breeder. how long is she
>and how old? can you tell me when she bred last and how many she had? also,
>her mouth was agape in the pic, is she aggressive? not that i care, just
>want to know to expect. thanks..

Then recently i emailed steve because he was stalling getting the snake shipped out. Well, i told him i would just like a refund if he would not send out the snake because i could use the cash at this time anyway if i was not gonna see my animal. Here is the response he wrote.

From :
Steve Ori <aforgottenrealm2000@yahoo.com>

To :
Dallas Quarles <dqreps@hotmail.com>

Subject :
Re: Message about: Do you have a male worthy of this female?

Date :
Fri, 11 Apr 2003 12:07:58 -0700 (PDT)

Reply Reply All Forward Delete Put in Folder...InboxSent MessagesDraftsTrash Can Printer Friendly Version

Hey DAllas,
#### partner I'm in the same boat. I lost
375.00 from not being able to complete my financial
obligation. I must say that I didn't like it a bit.
I'll do what I can to get you your money back. I want
you to know that most cos. consider a deposit as
non-refundable. It is part of our policy but I'll do
what I can. Your timing sucks though, a year ago I
would have just sent you a money order without giving
it another thought. Truth is I don't have the money at
the moment. Talk to you soon.

Then here is an email i got back about the middle of april stating that he was gonna keep the animal for a bit?! Steve told he that he would sell her for me and then get me the money?

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From :
Steve Ori <aforgottenrealm2000@yahoo.com>

To :
Dallas Quarles <dqreps@hotmail.com>

Subject :
Re: Message about: Do you have a male worthy of this female?

Date :
Sat, 12 Apr 2003 18:11:51 -0700 (PDT)

Reply Reply All Forward Delete Put in Folder...InboxSent MessagesDraftsTrash Can Printer Friendly Version

HEy Dallas,
I hope you understand but I think I'm gonna keep
her for a bit to see if she's gravid. My Jungle male I
had in with an albino female that just died for no
apparant reason (I know think it was murder) I then
put him in with Big Mamma and she dropped 41 slugs and
one baby that died within 24 hrs. I also had him in
with the peach phase before someone broke in and
murdered him. As soon as I do sell her I'll get you
back your money or I can give you a credit towards
another purchase. I have a litter of pastel stripes
that you might like. Let me know.

i then emailed steve recently trying to get a reply from him. i responded to an add he had on kingsnake wanting to trade his truck for animals?!

From :
Steve Ori <aforgottenrealm2000@yahoo.com>

To :

Subject :

Date :
Tue, 29 Apr 2003 13:47:12 -0700 (PDT)

Reply Reply All Forward Delete Put in Folder...InboxSent MessagesDraftsTrash Can Printer Friendly Version

Hey Dallas,
I posted this add for a friend, nkreptiles.com.
As far as your 300.00 goes I don't have it to give
back to you. I've seen you post for numerous animals.
Send me the remaining 300.00, i'll send you your animal.

--- dqreps@hotmail.com wrote:
> Steve, if you have time to post this add then you
> have time to email me. Please do.
> Dallas Quarles
> ----------------------------------------------
> This message was sent by an unregistered or non
> logged in user.
> Sent 03:10 PM, Apr 29th, 2003 from I.P. Address

Well, like an idiot i sent him the cash just hoping you would send the friggin thing, he has not. This was last tuesday, it would not be a big deal except he gave me the impression that the animal was going out delta dash asap.

From :
Steve Ori <aforgottenrealm2000@yahoo.com>

To :
Dallas Quarles <dqreps@hotmail.com>

Subject :
Re: 6ft peach phase columbian

Date :
Tue, 29 Apr 2003 18:15:50 -0700 (PDT)

Reply Reply All Forward Delete Put in Folder...InboxSent MessagesDraftsTrash Can Printer Friendly Version

Hey partner,
I'm glad we're on the same wavelegth. If paypal
comes tonight I'll check with the airlines tommorow. I
can send her then if I'm paid. Didn't mean to bust
your balls.

--- Dallas Quarles <dqreps@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hey my man,
> I will go send you the $330 by papal now. If you
> can send her tomorrow,
> wednesday, go for it. I have had a few animals come
> in recently, One from
> north caroline and one from virgia. Both went to
> cincinatti and then here to
> Maine. The Bangor International Airport is right
> next to me, in Bangor,
> Maine. Check out the flight times for tomorrow or
> whatever day you would
> like to do this week. If you decide to do it
> tomorrow though, i think the
> flight leaves pretty early in the morning, so if you
> want to wait till
> thursday, that is fine to man. Let me know.
> Thanks,
> Dallas
> >
> >Hey Partner,
> > The last shipment of Delta Dash cost about
> >67.50. #### send me $330.00 and I'll send her next
> >delta dash.

From :
Steve Ori <aforgottenrealm2000@yahoo.com>

To :
Dallas Quarles <dqreps@hotmail.com>

Subject :
Re: 6ft peach phase columbian

Date :
Tue, 29 Apr 2003 18:19:08 -0700 (PDT)

Reply Reply All Forward Delete Put in Folder...InboxSent MessagesDraftsTrash Can Printer Friendly Version

#### man thats quick,
I'll check first thing in the am about a flight
and get back to you. I won't move the money from
paypal to my account till the animal is on the way.
Nothing but love for ya., lol

--- Dallas Quarles <dqreps@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hey my man,
> I will go send you the $330 by papal now. If you
> can send her tomorrow,
> wednesday, go for it. I have had a few animals come
> in recently, One from
> north caroline and one from virgia. Both went to
> cincinatti and then here to
> Maine. The Bangor International Airport is right
> next to me, in Bangor,
> Maine. Check out the flight times for tomorrow or
> whatever day you would
> like to do this week. If you decide to do it
> tomorrow though, i think the
> flight leaves pretty early in the morning, so if you
> want to wait till
> thursday, that is fine to man. Let me know.
> Thanks,
> Dallas

From :
Steve Ori <aforgottenrealm2000@yahoo.com>

To :
Dallas Quarles <dqreps@hotmail.com>

Subject :
Re: 6ft peach phase columbian

Date :
Tue, 29 Apr 2003 19:33:49 -0700 (PDT)

Reply Reply All Forward Delete Put in Folder...InboxSent MessagesDraftsTrash Can Printer Friendly Version

As you request bro. I'll be in touch.

--- Dallas Quarles <dqreps@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hey Steve,
> That is fine. If you do it tomorrow then email me
> the bill number, time
> left and expected time arrival. If not, then
> thursday is fine also. Email me
> with the info if you send it out. I will be awaiting
> your email. Put two
> heat packs in, one underneath the animal under
> newspaper and one on the side
> or on top. it is still a little chilly here in
> maine. Thanks bro..
> Dallas
> >
> >#### man thats quick,
> > I'll check first thing in the am about a
> flight
> >and get back to you. I won't move the money from
> >paypal to my account till the animal is on the way.
> >Nothing but love for ya., lol
> >

And that is it, i have not heard anything back from him since tuesday despite nurmerous emails. The first half of the money, i sent USPS though so i am gonna go to the PO monday and file a complaint, it is MAIL FRAUD to do what he is doing.

There was way to much to read but i hope someone is having better luch then i am with this guy. Excuse the bad display of postings but i am not that great with a computer.

Dallas Quarles

Casey Hulse 05-04-2003 09:55 AM

Make sure you file a complaint with Kingsnake, the sooner this jerk is gone the herp community, the better for all of us.

Just as a side note, I inquired of Steve Ori a while ago because he had a male"double het for snow boa" for sale. He said it was produced by D***** W****. I know that this gentleman was selling possible double hets last yr, as the male sire only looked like a snow boa, but was not proven and no history of the snake was available, and now Steve is selling his a definate double.

Greg Riso 05-04-2003 11:49 AM

Sorry to hear about your predicament Dallas. The whole thing sounds rediculous to me. He guarantees his animals 100% even if you don't like their appearance but you have to RECEIVE the animal before you can decide that. You agreed to buy the peach phase but then he decided he wanted to keep it after the fact because it may be gravid? If you contracted to buy it in my opinion it's your animal gravid or not. That thing about someone murdering his male breeder sounds kind of hokey too. Someone breaks in to murder an animal and didn't steal or harm any of the others? That's a first. Sounds like they made a big mistake and murdered the wrong snake. If you ever do get the animal sent to you I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for a refund if you don't like it. Finally, isn't it against KIngsnake's rules to post an animal or item for someone else? I hope you receive your animal soon and it is what you expected. Good luck and keep us posted.

HerpVenue 05-04-2003 12:03 PM

Hey Dallas,
If you have his number...you might want to give him a call.
The last classified he has on Kingsnake was 4/29/03
The last post he has on here was 4/29/03
The last time he visited this place was 4/30/03 (to prevent his name from showing up on that little list thing)

A report to his e-mail and internet provider were filed on 4/29/03

Anyway...he might still have his e-mail provider.
But he might have no way to check it because he may have lost his internet service provider.

I am not sure yet though. I will try and find out for you.


Just as a side note, I inquired of Steve Ori a while ago because he had a male"double het for snow boa" for sale. He said it was produced by D***** W****. I know that this gentleman was selling possible double hets last yr, as the male sire only looked like a snow boa, but was not proven and no history of the snake was available, and now Steve is selling his a definate double.
If "DW" fails to prove out his snow boa look alike...Then this is truly misrepresentation. If "DW" does prove his snow boa look alike....The Steve got lucky.

dqreps 05-04-2003 12:41 PM

Yeah, the whole thing is ubsurd. Something is up with him to make him want to take this chance of jeopardizing his reptile sales indefinatly in the future. From what i hear, he owes a large debt to some people that were not very happy with him. And they were not in the herp biz. Just what i heard. Of course, i heard this AFTER my intitial downpayment.
Casey - Believe me, i plan on filing a few complaints, including one to Kingsnake.
Greg - You are right about the gurantee, 100% satisfaction and i think this is meant as a lure possibly because when people see the words "gurantee" it seems to instill a lot of faith in them for the person they may be dealing with. And he throws out big names as if he actually has any refs which are only people he has bought from, not sold to. Yeah, gravid or not, if i purchased her, she should be mine. You are also correct about selling any animal or anything for that matter (i would believe) on kingsnake for someone other than yourself. This is supposed to be the rule but does not seem to get inforced.
Ritchie - Let me know if you find out anything. It would be much appreciated.

Dallas Quarles

The BoidSmith 05-04-2003 12:50 PM

Business is probably not going that bad if he can spare his car in order to invest the money in buying more snakes.


Posted by A Forgotten Realm (Contact Me!) on April 29, 2003 at 10:51:07
I have a 1995 chevy blazer, fully loaded, leather, power everything, black with towing package. value of $8,000.00. Will trade for quality boas and or pythons of equal value. Email for pics and tell me what you've got.
Steve Ori
A Forgotten Realm

dqreps 05-04-2003 02:13 PM

Unless he can move the animals faster than he can his crumby blazer. Also, he said it was a freinds vehicle anyway. Not that i believe this.

Dallas Quarles

dqreps 05-05-2003 05:27 PM

I would like to let everyone know that i just talked to Steve Ori by telephone. I asked him what was going on and he said he was in the process of being evicted at the moment and lost his internet conection for the time being but was working on it. I did not accuse him of anything because it kind of hit me that i really need to give him the benefit of the doubt and see if he comes through. He explained to me that he was going through a really tough time and was gonna get my animal out asap. He is gonna send it delta dash and the airport is 45 minutes away he told me. Now, i am not happy that i had to wait and was left in the dark BUT i do know that if I was going through a tough time, i probably would not want everyone dissing me over the internet. I am only aiming this towards myself. I admit some things are sketchy but if he is telling the truth, then i can at least understand why he has not been answering emails lately without being able to get online. He told me he hadnt had time to get to the airport with all this stuff going on. He was very polite and i hope he comes through for me. Steve, if you end up reading this, please dont let me down and sorry if i DID make false accusations and jumped to conclusions. If you do as you say and send my animal then i will let the word out here just as i did when i thought i was being done wrong. Just done let me down because i am putting my faith in you but can only wait so long. I only made these posts because once i saw everyone else's i automatically assumed i was getting screwed also, if that is true in the first place, which i hope it is not. Please take care of biz and make things right with everyone.

Dallas Quarles

The BoidSmith 05-07-2003 08:19 PM

Drew and/or Dallas,

Any updates?


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