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reticguy76 12-09-2010 11:38 PM

I would just like to clarify a couple things.

Do I think bid is contagious, deep down in my heart, yes. But it's not proven enough to show that. Reptile medicine just hasn't had the luxury and funds to do the extensive research that has been done in dog/cat and large animal medince. Hence, I'm not 100% sold that its contagious. My personal thought on this and what it actual is, are two different things. I've just seen too many potential conflicts in research up til now, at least, make me believe, without a doubt, it's purely snake to snake contagious.

Now, back to the topic at hand, I wonder how many of the potential ibd carrying snakes have been sold and if any of those buyers have seen anything or are trying to get refunds

amercnwmn 12-10-2010 07:54 AM


Originally Posted by SakaraGT4 (Post 1164503)
and also... IF I should be canceling all my breedings and such, as I have, and going to be testing my animals and Kyle's animals when Dr. Jacobson's student comes back in January, should Yvonne not do the same? She is still breeding her animals with the intent to sell them this year... So I feel it's only fair to make notice of that as well... I mean, if I'm in the "spot light" shouldn't she be as well since her animals were with mine and breeding with mine? I don't know if that should be a separate thread or not? But just pointing that out there

Addressing the statement that you "removed all the ads"'

It appears you've only removed the 2 Fauna ads, and there are several others scattered on various forums and CL.

NONE of those animals should have been offered for sale in the FIRST PLACE. As soon as that snake died, you should have taken proper precautions to secure your collection.

Yvonne (boachick17) should DEFINITELY do the same.

However, I don't KNOW Yvonne, or what forums she frequents.

Yvonne wasn't called out, because I never saw her post a necropsy indicating IBD and conducting business as usual, while pics showing lax QT were posted about.

It's not even clear whether Yvonne actually KNEW about the suspicion of IBD or not PRIOR to pairing her snake with yours, and bringing in her animals.
If there's not PROOF that she was aware of the possibility of IBD in your collection beforehand, and she winds up with issues, that could be another whole problem.

YOUR actions of selling/breeding snakes AFTER receiving a report showing IBD are costing a LOT of people a LOT of worry and inconvenience, and possibly money.
After reading all the contradictions, if I had one of your snakes, I wouldn't trust your "word" none came back with problems.
I would get my animals tested myself.

You better HOPE your assumption "they are all healthy, because the Pythons didn't die off" is correct.
IMO there was too much at risk to base on an assumption.

hboyles66 12-10-2010 05:29 PM

Why is Ashley tryong shine the so called Spotlight as she puts it, of on another person? I am sure she never told Yvonne that she had a case of IBD and had other snakes die. I am glad this came out as it sounds like ashley is all about money and not about the well being of her animals and others.

AddictedToBoas 12-10-2010 06:00 PM

As far as I can tell, in the year following Yvonne's alleged breeding attempt with one of your snakes SHE hasn't had ANY deaths unlike YOU. Stop trying to bump the spotlight off yourself, this is a thread about you. Your mistakes, your bad judgement.

It irritates me that you keep trying to get other people in trouble to get people to leave you alone. First it was someone that was posting to try and merely help you that you jumped on, now a person you are angry at because she owes you money?

crotalusadamanteus 12-10-2010 06:16 PM

If there are others possibly involved, then I for one would love to know who, so I can avoid them.

This stuff can lay dormant in Boas. And if the Boa is healthy and stress free, it can continue to harbor it and show no clinical signs. 2 yrs ain't the gospel for signs to appear.

AddictedToBoas 12-10-2010 06:53 PM

Unfortunately every person she's sold an animal to is at risk and is an involved party...

Ashley, you now need to inform each and every person that has obtained an animal from you that they need to have their animals tested. That their collection is at risk for IBD, and then you need to inform them that because of your selfishness, they have to cease breeding plans until they can be sure that their collection is clear. These people that you selfishly sold animals too are going to suffer for your mistake, because like crotalus said, I'd like to know who not to buy from.

I wouldn't be surprised if you got sued.

Adrya 12-10-2010 07:27 PM

I completely agree with you, AddictedToBoas.

(BTW, nice to see someone else from the Morgantown area!)

AddictedToBoas 12-10-2010 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by Adrya (Post 1164944)
I completely agree with you, AddictedToBoas.

(BTW, nice to see someone else from the Morgantown area!)

Thank you.

And yeah it is nice, I was beginning to think I was alone in my love for the animals!

hboyles66 12-10-2010 08:29 PM

I fully agree with all of you. I have read some of her past post about where she got the BCL that she said died from IBD. In the she claims to say that if her snakes where fine if her pythons made it a few months after the death of the BCL. Again this contridicts things she has said in the past. She does seem to be trying toi pass the blame and it makes me wonder if the BCL she had got the IBD from her collection or from the person she purchased it from. Regardless of anything else said her recklessness and uncareing nature of selling what could possibly be sick animals is how we get outbreaks of terrible diseases. I have heard that IBD can be spread from contact with an infected snake. So every show she attended with her animal actually put a lot of animals in danger. That seems very careless to me. She claims to have a love for reptiles which I don't completly deny but she looks like she is just in it for the money more than anything. Sometimes you have to thing of the risk before the reward. I hope this all helps to keep this situation isolated to her collection as her carlessness and need to get big too fast has somewhat brought this on to her.

amercnwmn 12-10-2010 08:48 PM

I did notify Yvonne (boachick17) of Ashley's accusation regarding her snakes, and made the recommendation she discontinue sales, and breeding and get some tests run.

As far as notifying everyone Ashley has sold snakes to, that's going to be very difficult. She's had snakes at shows, traded snakes through shows, sold on CL, had friends' snakes in her collection, sold on various internet forums....
There was even mentions of a couple of arrangements to do breeding loans.
I have no idea if any breeding loans have actually taken place, or how many snakes have sold.

I can pretty much itemize when snakes have come in and out since she popped up online in 2008 and started accumulating snakes on average of about 2-3month. They came from various sources from reputable breeders to CL "specials", shows, "snake sitting" friend's snakes.. There's no way to tell WHERE any illness, parasites or mites would have come in, or gone out.

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