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JColt 05-17-2012 07:40 PM

Here's a good example of how both sides screwed over reptile people here in Ohio.

I sent a letter to all dems and rep in Ohio back when Dem Gov Strickland put through the exotic ban. Then Kasich became Gov and let it expire. Then some nutcase let his animals out then of course Kasich put the ban back up trying to stop damage control.

All the dems did was squawk about how this wouldn't have happened if Strickland's plan stayed (not true) and Rep said they put out a better more restrictive plan.

All the letters I got back said it was for the best. The heck if you had 1000's of dollars in animals. Blah....

JColt 05-17-2012 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by crotalusadamanteus (Post 1457433)
I pointed my finger at Obama, because he signed it, when it should have been vetoed. FYI

Yes I understand that. I just pointed out though that it was started by Republicans. Please believe me, I'm not defending Obama at all but it passed by a huge margin before it was sent to him by Rep and Dem. I don't think I know of any president who wouldn't have signed.

The House vote tally which took place 02/28/12, was 338 for and 3 against. The three dissenters were Rep.Paul Broun R-Georgia, Rep. Justin Amash R-Michigan and Rep. Keith Ellison D-Minnesota. Rep. Ron Paul was reported earlier as having voted against the bill, but that was based on the original vote conducted 02/28/11. Rep. Ron Paul ABSTAINED on the final vote.

crotalusadamanteus 05-17-2012 07:53 PM

Which is why I'm non partisan. :) I vote for nobody because of the false promises they make. I look at their history. What have they stood for before running for office, etc. And I certainly don't vote for someone just because they are the same color as me, like many did this last election.

JColt 05-17-2012 07:57 PM

Same here Richard. ;)

JColt 05-17-2012 07:59 PM

They break laws all the time. I watched the video's of what happened to Ron Paul at the conventions. They should be jailed!

crotalusadamanteus 05-17-2012 08:09 PM

Sheriff Joe in Maricopa county has proved that Obamas birth certificate was born on a computer, as well as proved that his selective service form is a fraudulent document. Yet, Obama still remains in office without being charged for fraud, treason or any of the above, and the laws he's signed into effect, which by constitutional law should be null a void after this proof, are still in effect.

Much proof is out there as to the crookedness of our government, almost in it's entirety.

That's where the people need to unite for a common cause...our rights and freedoms...and "abolish the government and reinstate a new one" based on our constitutional rights. You get enough people to stand together, and amazing things can happen. If the German Army, AS A WHOLE, didn't refuse to follow unethical orders, then the wall would still be up.

All men of honor should join... http://oathkeepers.org/oath/

JColt 05-18-2012 06:51 AM

Arpaio is P.T. Barnum. He is just as much as an extremist as any one I can think of. Think it's time to exit this thread. Have a good day Richard.

crotalusadamanteus 05-18-2012 07:45 AM

That's why everyone who's tried to sue him for so called rights violations, has lost, right? He lives by the letter of the law he swore to uphold, and people don't like it. They'd rather believe the media, and civil rights groups, then the truth.

Dennis Hultman 05-18-2012 11:27 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Not agreeing or disagreeing with anything Rich stated but on topic to his post and more fuel for the fire, I give you this mornings drudge report.

Obama's literary agent promoted him as born in Kenya from 1991 until several months before he announced his candidacy for POTUS.


crotalusadamanteus 05-18-2012 01:57 PM

The cold case posse uncovered that, and also his original application request for foreign aid, applied for as an indonesian, and his selective service card which they compared to others from the very same post office where he supposedly got it date stamped. The date stamp is only 2 digit format, while all the rest stamped within days of his are 4 digit. Even the retired post master of the post office and the post master general said it couldn't be real because Fed law required a 4 digit stamp even back then.

But people don't want the truth. They want their heads to remain in the sand where they don't have to witness such atrocities as honesty.

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