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Sugarhedgie 02-09-2017 01:47 AM


Originally Posted by FresnoTortoise (Post 1979067)
But I will admit, you do deserve to get your raffle ticket money back, not a dime more. I hope Ty reads all of this and have his lawyer sue you for libel.

Are you referring to the new account that was set up where the person was claiming to be Ty's "Lawyer"
Ty's and the supposed lawyers ip addressed wete the same and the "lawyers name he used according to google I think someone said he was deceasef!!

juliasara 02-09-2017 06:08 AM


Originally Posted by FresnoTortoise (Post 1979067)
But I will admit, you do deserve to get your raffle ticket money back, not a dime more. I hope Ty reads all of this and have his lawyer sue you for libel.

Do you even know the definition of libel? Please show me what the op has said about ty that isn't true and isn't backed up with evidence. Him suing for libel would be a stupid move seeing that the op has proof of ty defaming her and I'm willing to bet he has no proof of any libelous statements made by the op.

Lucille 02-09-2017 08:26 AM

I don't think Ming Cong realizes what libel is and probably could care less. Ming appears to be merely a minion, perhaps not realizing that comment paints a permanent picture of championing the irresponsible self serving behavior of Ty.

markpulawski 02-09-2017 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by leezfix (Post 1979069)
Just because they have a big name doesn`t mean they have big character. Stick to your guns Michelle. You deserve not only your prize but to be treated with respect.

This guy has shown he has very little character and integrity as far as I am concerned, it is obvious to me he feels he is above the laws of middle class hard working people and is judge and jury when he finds it convenient. Ty has wealth made you numb to conscience and decency, it's too bad you can't step back and see what the great majority of us see, a guy who's ego far outweighs doing the right thing. A simple gesture of decency it seems is now beyond you, and your word isn't worth the paper it is printed on. I never thought I would say this about a charitable event but I hope it fails miserably.
I hope you get what you were promised Michelle, it sucks to have faith in people and then find out after that they don't have the character nor conviction to keep their word.

Casey Hulse 02-09-2017 11:04 AM


That's as stupid as winning the lottery but them just giving you the money back for the ticket you bought instead of awarding you the prize. This wasn't a loan. It's easy to tell you're one of the blind followers.
Whether you agree, or disagree, this type of comment/insult will most likely prevent any type of debate on this subject and possibly any other post. I still think the BOI works better if both sides of an argument can feel free to post their opinion with out the fear of being ridiculed by what may appear to be the "majority". Fresno tortoise did not really insult anyone, but was insulted for posting. I am sure I will most likely be insulted for posting in his defense.
I am surprised and disappointed that Lucille is name calling, I thought we agreed that was not needed?

Sugarhedgie 02-09-2017 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by Casey Hulse (Post 1979121)
Whether you agree, or disagree, this type of comment/insult will most likely prevent any type of debate on this subject and possibly any other post. I still think the BOI works better if both sides of an argument can feel free to post their opinion with out the fear of being ridiculed by what may appear to be the "majority". Fresno tortoise did not really insult anyone, but was insulted for posting. I am sure I will most likely be insulted for posting in his defense.
I am surprised and disappointed that Lucille is name calling, I thought we agreed that was not needed?

I posted my side and ty posted his pg 8 comment #77. His post even confirms his character and his unwillingness to deliver the prize because he felt I was greedy, ineducated and thankless is NOT A REASON TO NOT HONOR THE RAFFLW TEEMS

He promised a prize that he didn't deliver.

Again it wasn't for an undesclosed breeders tegu (whom he said himself later he couldn't even get them from) and it was NOT a raffle for refunded ticket prices.

The terms were clear it was for An albino tegu (produced by ty) or 3,000
He didn't want to give me the t+ albino he produced. He said NO and he didn't want to give the $3,000 either.

Because he felt I was being greedy by asking for what was promised!!

What he did was unfair and deceptive

Any intentional false communication, either written or spoken, that harms a person's reputation; decreases the respect, regard, or confidence in which a person is held; or induces disparaging, hostile, or disagreeable opinions or feelings against a person.

(Calling me greedy, thankless, uneducated and not telling the truth like ty has done to me fits more than this)

He should not have illegal raffles and then not deliver the prizes he promised.based on his "feelings"
Maybe next time he shouldn't count his chickens before they hatch either
Sugarhedgie is online now Add to Sugarhedgie's Karma Report Post

Sugarhedgie 02-09-2017 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by FresnoTortoise (Post 1979066)
He did not scam you out of your prize. You were ungrateful to what he offered you and then you pissed him off. After reading this 60 pages of your unhappiness, and seeing this nonsense day after day. You represent the worse in the exotic animal trade.

"But I will admit, you do deserve to get your raffle ticket money back, not a dime more. I hope Ty reads all of this and have his lawyer sue you for libel"

If you read Fresno's 2 comments you would have seen that
Fresno definately did "really insult someone" calling me ungreatful , saying I represent the worst in the exotic animal trade and hopes ty sues me for libel

Which isn't even the case under libel definition. I have only aooke/posted the truth

Sugarhedgie 02-09-2017 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by Sugarhedgie (Post 1979128)
I posted my side and ty posted his pg 8 comment #77. His post even confirms his character and his unwillingness to deliver the prize because he felt I was greedy, ineducated and thankless is NOT A REASON TO NOT HONOR THE RAFFLW TEEMS

He promised a prize that he didn't deliver.

Again it wasn't for an undesclosed breeders tegu (whom he said himself later he couldn't even get them from) and it was NOT a raffle for refunded ticket prices.

The terms were clear it was for An albino tegu (produced by ty) or 3,000
He didn't want to give me the t+ albino he produced. He said NO and he didn't want to give the $3,000 either.

Because he felt I was being greedy by asking for what was promised!!

What he did was unfair and deceptive

Any intentional false communication, either written or spoken, that harms a person's reputation; decreases the respect, regard, or confidence in which a person is held; or induces disparaging, hostile, or disagreeable opinions or feelings against a person.

(Calling me greedy, thankless, uneducated and not telling the truth like ty has done to me fits more than this)

He should not have illegal raffles and then not deliver the prizes he promised.based on his "feelings"
Maybe next time he shouldn't count his chickens before they hatch either
Sugarhedgie is online now Add to Sugarhedgie's Karma Report Post


bcr229 02-09-2017 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by Sugarhedgie (Post 1979063)
I have reached out to several big names (some who people had recommended) who are involved with ty like the IRCF and usark and they just look the other way.
It's so frustrating that people don't care that he Clearly scammed me out of my prize.
It's sad that Ty's money is their motivators for backing him.
The messsage I sent to usark included this link and the shortish version of the story.
Their response was
"thank you for your message , have a good day"

What would you expect another organization to do here? This is a dispute between you, the IRCF, and Ty. The most any other organization can do is take note of what happened, avoid including Ty in any fundraising efforts they have in the future so as to avoid PR problems, and make sure that if they decide to hold a raffle as a fundraiser that the prizes actually exist.

Also what most people don't understand is that the OP isn't the only one who got ripped off, everyone who bought a ticket and didn't win also got ripped off, because the promised prize was never available and never could be available.

Sugarhedgie 02-09-2017 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by bcr229 (Post 1979138)
What would you expect another organization to do here? This is a dispute between you, the IRCF, and Ty. The most any other organization can do is take note of what happened, avoid including Ty in any fundraising efforts they have in the future so as to avoid PR problems, and make sure that if they decide to hold a raffle as a fundraiser that the prizes actually exist.

Also what most people don't understand is that the OP isn't the only one who got ripped off, everyone who bought a ticket and didn't win also got ripped off, because the promised prize was never available and never could be available.

Well said
And the IRCF basically threw ty under the bus and didn't want to be involved. Well they were and are invilved and when I sent them a letter demanding that they send me my prize they only sent me a check for the 400 I spent on the tickets.
I have not cashed that check.

Also when I bought the 4 tickets. The 30 tickets for the 1st tegu were already sold. But he put 2 in the first tegu raffle and the other 2 in the 2nd tegu raffle so ya I would agree that everyone that bought tickets was ripped off.

Interesting that the 2 people who paid the most (me buying 4 for $400 and grant buying 3 at $300) were the winners. I know the more you buy the better the chance but people buy 1 tic for raffles and win all the time.

The more I hear about ty and his ways and this raffle being so infair and deceptive to say the least I wouldn't put anything past ty

I messaged the IRCF and asked for an accounting for the donations that were brought in from this raffle (it should be $14,510) and he didn't respond to my REALEstate.

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