Search results

  1. Southern Wolf

    Man cited after paying bill with 2,500 pennies

    I hope he pays that one too with pennies :rofl: And be sure to read the comments after the article :thumbsup:
  2. Southern Wolf

    Dont loose hope...

    If you have had a snake escape in the past.... dont loose all hope. You might just be surprised at who show's up one day. :yesnod: **Im sitting here scratching my head** Tonight Im sitting at my computer talking on the phone. The computer is now in the room that my reptiles used to be in...
  3. Southern Wolf

    Wanna help scientists save frogs?

    To read the whole article and see how...
  4. Southern Wolf

    Country Life

    I have switched my blog over to a new location and also changed the format. Figured since my life was moving towards a more homesteading type lifestyle vs just a gardening lifestyle, it was time to make the changes. Otherwise those that found me using my gardening URL might not like what they...
  5. Southern Wolf

    Itty bitty smart car

    Yep.... we will redneck anything MDU5BU_qSJU
  6. Southern Wolf

    True, unconditional love....

    For those of you who are skeptical.... it does still exist.
  7. Southern Wolf

    Need a laugh?

    Then maybe this will help
  8. Southern Wolf


    Can anyone ID this plant by sight? No cheating now... don't look it up.
  9. Southern Wolf


    Some people are just stoopid.
  10. Southern Wolf

    Test tube meat

    Someone has been watching way too many episodes of Star Trek. Just one more reason to raise your own meat. At least you know what you're eating is the real deal.
  11. Southern Wolf

    Homesteading infomercial

    I kinda like this lady's writing style. I stumpled onto her blog from a web search. Sadly there dont seem to be alot of posts like the one that attracted me. I have decided to read thru all the archived posts though. This one just had me LOL...
  12. Southern Wolf

    Cleanup on isle 4
  13. Southern Wolf


    Has anyone made a relationship work where you didn't really have anything in common with your partner? How did you overcome the lack of things in common? The reason I ask is me and my ex continue to remain friends even though we cant seem to make it work as a relationship. It's not that we...
  14. Southern Wolf

    My lil' farm

    Here is a sketch I threw together on how I think I want my little farm laid out. Well.. it better be the way I want it cause come Monday we are pouring concrete for the chicken bunker. To many varments around my place likes the taste of chicken and Im not sharing. After I get the concrete...
  15. Southern Wolf

    Gas prices and Stupidity

    The folks that set the gas prices have to be the stoopidest people on the planet. This was posted on Yahoo Demand for gasoline in US continues to decline Well no crap. I have a 13 gal tank in my little car and last night it cost me over $47 to fill it up. All these idiots see is the price...
  16. Southern Wolf

    Counter Productive...

    Well... counter productive if your an individual. Everything is moving towards online and internet usage... but the ISP's constantly want to cap the amount of bandwidth you can use. AT&T just implimented a cap on their DSL and Broadband home users. To me it just reeks of greed. Everything is...
  17. Southern Wolf

    Self Sufficient?

    What are some of the steps you have taken to become more self sufficient? What would you do differently?
  18. Southern Wolf

    Enough already !!!

    Last week we were getting slammed with sever thunderstorms and tornado's. Like many place in the mid-south we sustained damage because of those storms, although not as bad as other places. In a four day stretch of thunderstorms it dumped 4.8 inches of rain on us. This rainfall had flooded...
  19. Southern Wolf


    welp.... I guess I went and jumped off the deep end. Of course I wouldn't have it any other way. :D I bought three different morphs from the TSC. Any idea's on what kind I got. I was told they should be good multi-purpose chickens.... they steered me away from the white ones that were for...
  20. Southern Wolf

    Chicken Refs

    Enjoy :D ybVb3t560oY