Search results

  1. W

    looking for

    possible het. albino ball python females. I really like albinos and i have a pair of het. albinos that may be ready next year, I would like a couple more for beeding. I don't have 1000.00 dollars for 2 more 100% het females. Any info would be great.
  2. W

    any info on cox reptiles

    let me know if you have had any deals with brain cox. good and bad please
  3. W

    does anyone know

    who has heterozygous albino ball python right now. I am jonesin man. LOL
  4. W

    heterozygous albino ball python

    Does anyone know were i can get a pair now? I have an order in with top shelf exotics. i would like to pull my order but i am having trouble finding any in stock(there is NO customer service after they get your money). thanks for any help
  5. W


    has anyone heard ofthese breeders. garrick and sheila demeyer.thank for any feed back.