FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - What herps have bitten you?
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Old 07-30-2010, 09:21 PM   #98
Off the top of my head...

California and mexican black king snakes, mostly juveniles but I've been tagged many times by my evil 6ft Cali. I've only had him a couple weeks and he is by far the meanest animal I've ever owned.

Countless corn snakes, all juveniles. It's so cute when they bite!

Redhood23's rosy boa bit me. He grabs it out and says, "wanna hold a snake that WILL bite you?" and puts it in my hands. Yup, he was right, it did bite me. It didn't even make it into my hands before it latched on.

Countless garters of all shapes, sizes and varieties.

A couple bull snakes back in the day when I lived in Wyoming as a kid. I've had my pet pair of bulls take a snap at me a few times, but they haven't quite gotten me yet.

Sinaloan and Nelson's milk snakes

Prairie rattlesnake. Dry bite while riding my motorcycle when I was about 15.

Mediterranean geckos. We had these little guys all over our apartment in Texas.

Leopard geckos

Panther geckos

Crested geckos

Veiled chameleons

Chinese water dragon

Long tailed lizards, green anoles, bahaman anoles and similar species.

Horned lizards (horny toads)

Too many frogs to name...

Probably more but I don't remember at the moment.