FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Gulf of Mexico oil geyser
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Old 08-06-2010, 02:44 AM   #256
Yeah, the local newspaper here is acting like the crisis is over with, and everyone can return to normal. Yeah man, come on down to Florida to get your late season beach vacation right now! Spend your money, the coast is clear (literally)....

But where is all the oil? It hasn't all sunk to the bottom of the Gulf, otherwise the well head itself would be under a thick layer of it. People are saying that little is visible on the surface of the Gulf of Mexico. Conservative estimates are saying 180 MILLION gallons (which is probably low by a substantial margin based on all the lies BP has been caught in) of oil leaked out of that well. And how much dispersant was sprayed into that leaking oil as well? We are talking about a substantial amount of oil and chemicals let loose in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico for several MONTHS.

I read an article in the newspaper claiming that the oil did not get into the loop current taking it around the eastern coast of Florida into the Atlantic.

So where IS all that oil right now? I've heard the old saying "Out of sight, out of mind", but this is ridiculous.....