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Old 08-16-2010, 08:59 PM   #1
Lucille + Vet = Amusement?

So I took my big girl, Lucille, to the vet today. Last Thursday I spotted some weird things in her stool. I've had her for a long time now and I've never ever ever come across anything of the sort in her stools so I panicked and called in a vet appointment. It didn't help that this all happened on a Thursday evening, after vet hours. Left a message and they called me back that Friday morning, the quickest they could get me in was for 4pm today (Monday). So I had AAAALL weekend to fret over what it could be. Lucky for me most of my snakes like to all go on schedule so I was able to collect fecal samples from all but one of the boas. So here I am, going to the vet. I've got a 20lb snake in one tub, and a huge ziplock bag filled with smaller bags for each fecal sample. I get in the exam room, I'm waiting on the doc to come in and I hear a bunch of chatter going on in behind the second door (I'm guessing this is the back room area). Everyone wanted to see the big snake, to the point I debated on asking the first person who walked in if I could possibly charge an admission fee (jokingly of course), but I didn't. >.> So the one girl takes the samples off my hands and takes them to the back. Afterwards another vet tech yells across the room asking her what was in the bag & I think another one asked her if she took the fecals yet, so the girl yells across the back "I'VE GOT THE POOP!!!" I dunno... I guess I was expecting her to call it anything other than poop. I couldn't help but laugh. We get all squared away and the vet gives Lucy and the others a clean bill of health according to the samples.

The neatest part was getting to look through the microscope myself. Coolest thing ever. T_T I want one.

-my- Lucille!

((She's too big to have a warm soak in the bathtub, so she gets her own kiddy pool outside during the summer))