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Old 03-06-2004, 10:21 AM   #13
There's a rather nice aquarium store in my area that for a while was keeping a full grown (3 ft.) black pleco. This fish had been dropped off by an owner and had a deformed lip from hitting the side of its old tank when it tried to turn around. It lived at the store for a while and then was gone one day, I think someone must have bought or adopted him. So anyway, he was somehow moved at least once. Now they have an adult porcupine puffer, who is about 3 feet long and 1 foot wide, in a 435 gallon with a bamboo shark. Then they're sellilng babies for $29.95 around the corner. Oh well.

Anyway, my husband* has been talking endlessly about putting a 10 gallon sump under our 29 gallon, which should help everyone out water quality wise until we can upgrade.

Erin B.

* A man, who in repsonse to this thread, said "At the risk of sounding like a soccer mom, I just want a bunch of pretty fish. Is that so wrong?" I usually just let him 'have' the fish tank as far as choosing stock goes.