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Old 09-07-2010, 05:49 PM   #58
Originally Posted by Wraith View Post
Apparently anyone who chooses to have an opinion that is different from the "clique" and have the nerve to voice that opinion is "guilty of being a scammer" while those who meekly fall in line are or support the clique are not guilty of being scammers.
I don't believe anyone accused you of being a scammer, regardless of your opinion on this matter. We GET your opinion and understand the reasons behind it. What YOU don't seem to get is that the guy behind the curtain (so to speak) has very valid reasons for his choices too. You don't seem to accept that at all. That's your option, of course, but who are you helping with such an attitude?

Being that this is a FEEDBACK forum I voiced my feedback (i.e. opinion) on the matter that it's a BAD rule as it pertains to the DISCUSSION forums. I voiced my opinion that it was a perfectly reasonable rule as it pertains to the CLASSIFIED forums where business transactions are actually taking place. Another person also voiced their opinions and got jumped and slapped in the face too.
And you're not being "slapped in the face"...people are just trying to point out the other side of the issue. You say if you disagree, you must be labeled a scammer? Yet, you seem to think anyone who disagrees with you is slapping you in the face? Really??

Have you even read the reasons why it wouldn't work to separate the rules in this matter between two huge halves of the site? First off, this site is about its classifieds. The discussion forums are a bonus for you to enjoy...not some inalienable right.

Second off, the original full-name compliance for the BOI was a single element enforced in a single forum. Still a rather huge job for the mods to keep up with, but they managed well enough. To add in a full name AND location requirement for both the BOI and the classifieds requires a different sort of tool for enforcement...which is having that information included in the permanent profile fields of each member. THAT can not be separated from the discussion forums, no matter how much you might wish it to be.

I offered a solution mind you that already exists on this site with a particular set of forums (The BOI). If it works there then why wouldn't it work for the classifieds? hmmm... guess the mods would prefer to scan the entire site of ALL forums every day for every single post to make sure that people are posting their first, middle, last names, addresses, city, state, country of origin, SSN, bank account info, photo ID, etc. in order to "not look like a scammer" rather than just scanning the much smaller numbers of posts in the classifieds.
As pointed out above, it existed in a much smaller degree than the new rulings. To make sure that each and every post in the classifieds included a full name and accurate location the same way they check for names on the BOI would be overwhelming and ridiculously work-intensive.

As it is, they still have their work cut out for them scanning all the profiles and sending out tons of reminders to fix profiles, etc. This isn't some whim taken on just because they get jollies out of making you miserable.

This "new rule" would NOT have stopped Chris Johnson from scamming people. That would not have stopped the Wise's from scamming people either. Nor any of the other well known scammers that have come and gone. So punish the good little users of the site and put them at risk while letting the scammers keep on doing what they do best.
Who can say who it would have stopped? You don't know. And there are MANY MANY more small-time scammers that are just as guilty of stealing money as the "well known" people. Most of those small timers are not particularly smart and will either be stymied by having to include their location, or will get caught lying about it. Of course, no tool will catch EVERYONE intent on being dishonest...but if Rich wants to put one more layer of protection on top of the ones he already offers, what is so wrong with that?

At some point you just have to suck it up and do your own homework of who you do business with and whether you trust them or not instead of letting someone else try to be "big brother" playing the "protect you for your own good" card to the point that you let your right to privacy be stripped away from you and personal information is compromised and you still get scammed anyway.
You retain your right to privacy by simply choosing to no longer participate when you feel your privacy is being compromised. A person's general location is hardly a deeply private matter in MOST people's eyes. I can see and understand a few exceptions to that. But Rich (and folks like him that run sites like this) doesn't usually set rules based on a "few exceptions" but rather based on the vast majority of members and what is thought best for the site.