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Old 10-01-2010, 08:08 PM   #466
Originally Posted by crotalusadamanteus View Post
You'd think crickets would be an easy thing to grow yourself in GA. If you need a lot of them, why not?
Right now I have 5 cats and my bearded dragons. My cats get into everything, oh it's 3 adults and 2 kittens. They even knocked over a heat lamp and burned a hole into the carpet, that was when I was breeding them last year. Right now I am just ordering them in bulk from online and keeping them in a bin to feed out over the next 2 weeks. I know it's not hard, I've done it inadvertently before when I had raised tadpoles into frogs. Plus last year we didn't have as much expendable income as we do this year so I can buy wire to secure the heat lamps so they can't be knocked over any more.