FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Corn Snakes -Persistent, Severe Respiratory Infection? Sinus Problems?
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Old 10-20-2010, 12:05 PM   #31
I went by the vet's office yesterday and demanded he call the lab and ask for SOME SEMBLANCE of some answer on the fungal cultures. They can at least freaking tell if there is SOMETHING growing, so we know at least SOMETHING. i was so angry. And then of course, they never called. So I'm calling again today.

I've put 3 phone calls into Dr. Elliiot Jacobsen and left 3 voicemails at 3 different numbers to call me or my vet back for a consult. Still no word.

The symptoms seem to literally be rotating between all of the snakes. It is the most bizzare thing I've ever seen -

Last week, Argent seemed like he was on death's door. I went in there, he was coiled in a ball, he had his head tilted at a weird angle with his mouth gaping open with drool coming out. I thought he was dead. I tapped on the cage and he was like "What, what? I'm awake". The same day, Adore, the youngest, seemed perfectly fine with a few minor sniffles here and there. No issues at all.

This week, it's completely opposite. Argent seems TOTALLY fine, except a few sniffles. Now Adore seems miserable and is wheezing/popping like crazy.

Sharra seems to fluctuate weekly as well. Some weeks I think she's better, then the next week it's back to popping/wheezing/sneezing...But she is no where NEAR as bad as she was the 2-3 days after the Amphotericin treatment.

I am at such a loss.