FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Adobe Photoshop pic tester website!!!
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Old 10-22-2010, 01:13 PM   #25
Clay Davenport
Originally Posted by Johnenewt1 View Post
That's correct, I wouldn't. Once again you can use other programs like Instacropper to crop your images without causing customers to worry if the color has been modified, because the program does not have the ability to do so. I'm just informing the public of the use of the pic testing website. Whatever conclusions you come to is up to you. I'm sticking with the non-modification program breeders... I'd rather be safe than sorry.
Well you only address one of my uses for photoshop, cropping. Does that program allow you to add watermarks, or text labels to include the weight or ID number?
Perhaps you have a couple of other free programs that do those things and nothing else.....

When you take pics that are the size that the current cameras take by default, you have to crop as well as resize. Then if you wantr to add a watermark, which is a very good idea, you need that functionality as well.
Do you have a free program on hand that does those three things but does not have the ability to alter color or any other aspect of the photo?

I think you would be better off refusing to buy anything that wasn't purchased in person. Very few people will be using a program that is capable of doing what they need done but isn't capable of enhancing the photograph.