FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Anyone know a raccoon breeder?
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Old 11-09-2010, 11:44 AM   #3
Thank you! I appreciate it. And I am well-aware of what I am getting myself into - I have one now and I've never had a pet with more personality and sass. She's the best pet I ever had. She respects me and listens and comes when I call her, and she respects my stuff - it took a lot of work but it was worth it. And she's litter trained! Extremely easy! Because she is litter trained, I let her have run of the house. She gets along with all the other animals and other people and never bites. Very well-natured and good-tempered. She climbs on the doors and windows whenever I go outside and cries until I come back in. She occasionally gets into things and makes messes, but I've learned to just keep everything out of reach - yes it is possible to keep things out of a raccoon's reach! She's rambunctious, but I love her.

Thanks again~!