FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy Adam Wysocki - No response
Thread: Bad Guy Adam Wysocki - No response
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Old 11-11-2010, 01:13 PM   #308
Originally Posted by jglass38 View Post
You probably should look up the definition of fraud. A business deal gone bad where a guy runs out of money and can't pay back a debt doesn't constitute fraud. Maybe everyone here can dial down the rhetoric.

I see this as a good guy (and I know this because I am one of his true friends, not someone who was his friend because he had some cool snakes) who had some issues and now does not have the means to pay back some people as fast as they would like him to. My advice would be, treat this as a company that has gone out of business and filed bankruptcy. If it is in your best interest, then use whatever legal means necessary to recoup your money. Otherwise, drop the bullshit and let these threads die. Adam doesn't need to come to some meaningless Internet forum to plead his case to a bunch of people whose opinions he (and most others) couldn't give less of a crap about.
With all due respect I think that your advice sucks !! The general public (International) need to know what he has done !! I would hate for anyone else to lose their hard earned cash !! I cannot believe that you would refer to what has happened here as "bullshit" , the world would be a very sad place if everyone reasoned like you !! What Adam has done here is not right man - How do you explain the fact that he can afford to go to all the Hamm show's ? (And others ) - If Adam had just communicated with us none of this would be happening right now - Even if he admitted that he did not have the cash and he could only pay me in a few months time - I would have understood and I would not have had any expectations !!