FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy BHB reptiles "het" didn't prove out, won't fix it
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Old 11-14-2010, 01:55 PM   #9
Originally Posted by ozz465 View Post
Brian has to make it right , but to the original buyer, if it came with a pic id and guarantee that may be a different story.
I have a problem with this and I agree with Chris.

Unless stated in a seller's TOS, if an animal switches hands before being proven, that genetic guarantee should still be in place. Now, I do not know about the paper work obtained with this animal, if any at all, and the whole situation is a bit of a mess, but a bad het. is a bad het. regardless of how someone ended up with it.

I was not aware that gurantees of genetics applied only to the original buyer. That just seems absurd to me.

If you produce an animal and claiming it as something, it better be that.