FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy BHB reptiles "het" didn't prove out, won't fix it
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Old 11-14-2010, 02:14 PM   #32
The compensation should be for a animal equivalent to the animal AS REPRESENTED, not as a hatchling, and not as it is in actuallity.

In other words, he can't give a adult male spider het nothing and say it's fair, and he can't give a hatchling spider het hypo and say that's fair.

When you buy and feed an animal for quite some time before it's ready to breed, only to find out after more than one breeding, that it's not what it was represented genetically as, you deserve to not have to repeat the raising and feeding again just to get what you were supposed to already have.

Given the time frame without contact, I think BHB should have been more concerned. Granted it's just "one snake" but it's important to the breeding plans.

The whole deal is pretty muddied up by the snake having multiple owners now and multiple different breedings where nothing was produced due to the faulty genetics. I would think BHB would be concerned that the one animal has screwed up several breeding plans and would want to do something, and would keep in touch, depsite how busy he is as a business guy.

Like I said, I've only heard good stuff before now, so I hope he will work something out with you. Just because you finally have come public with the issues you've been having is no reason that he didn't sell a snake without the genes it was supposed to have.