FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy BHB reptiles "het" didn't prove out, won't fix it
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Old 11-14-2010, 03:02 PM   #58
David Bellis
Originally Posted by Casey Hulse View Post
Why the secrecy? You just want to share information that you feel justifies your post, but do not want to provide additional information when asked? I am curious also as to what resolution you think is fair, should brian compensate everyone who owned the animal, or just you?
Perhaps in retrospect, Brian feels that his initial desire to satisfy you (who did not purchase the animal from him) is unrealistic, like "on second thought"..... I would wonder where a breeders liability would end?
I have seen scenarios written out several years ago, where a buyer was wanting to be compensated for all the animals he could have produced if the animal they had purchased had not "passed away" (some of you old timers will remember Adam Block and Nerd)
Maybe in hindsight Brian felt his agreement to take care of the situation was premature, and has since changed his mind, therefore, it is nessesary to know what the initial agreement was, so we (the sheeple) can decide if we think it was fair...
There's no secrecy but you can keep defending BHB and coming up with conspiracies all you would like.

I didn't post it originally because it isn't relevant to the situation except in the minds of the people looking for something to attack me with.

Funny how no one is calling for Brian to respond here. Oh wait, that's right, he's the big breeder and is obviously right 100% of the time. What was I thinking?