FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy BHB reptiles "het" didn't prove out, won't fix it
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Old 11-14-2010, 04:55 PM   #78

well in my thoughts i would say that chris got the snake, then sold it to david and david tried to prove the het.. its like driving a car with an extended warranty.. someone goes and buys a car from a dealership new it comes with a factory warranty and then they go and sale it to someone else 99% of the time the factory warranty still stands until the given time or mileage given.. so if david nor cliff could prove the het then there for the warranty still stands and he should get the value of the snake back no matter how much it was.. if he paid 1200$ for it then he should get 1200$ for it.. bhb is huge and i know that but just like all big corps they dont really look at the lil man when something goes wrong.. brian should have had someone taking care of this issue when it was first presented.. he has 100,000s of snakes he could have given in response to the claim but yet he chooses to be stingy or stall for hatchlings.. you deserve alot more then the value of the snake in my opinion. time is money and money is something alot of ppl dont have but we all know bhb has tons of it.. im a small breeder and i know i want that warranty on the animals i buy.. thats my money no matter how many ppl who have owned it before me.