FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bad Guy BHB reptiles "het" didn't prove out, won't fix it
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Old 11-15-2010, 10:27 AM   #139
Mister Internet
Originally Posted by rcpreis3 View Post
Ok so if I sold a male het clown/axanthic for $3000 to a neighbor of urs for u, so u can save on shipping by combining orders, knowing that this is the deal, and then u breed it to compatiable females and get no visuals what-so-ever, I dont owe u jack squat?

Is that what ur saying?
I actually have no idea what you just said.

What I AM saying is that when I buy something from a retailer, in an industry where there is no implied or actual multi-buyer or lifetime "warranty", then I am responsible for the representation of said item when it leaves my possession... ESPECIALLY if I've taken money for it!

Think of it this way... I buy an ingot of 10 troy ounces of 24K gold for investment purposes from a well-respected, nationally-recognized retailer. I don't personally know enough about gold to tell a 24K ingot from an 18K ingot, so I take the retailer's word on it, as I should. Now, let's say I decide I need money worse than gold two years later, and I sell it to my friend... when I sell it, I tell him "hey, this is 10 troy ounces of 24 carat gold". I HAVE NOW BECOME THE SELLER, simple as that. I have represented a product, and taken money for it... what that product IS or IS NOT, at that point, is my responsibility to my friend to insure. If my friend goes and gets it checked out and finds out it's only 18 carat gold, he doesn't get to go whine to the original retailer. He didn't buy it from the retailer, the product was not represented to him by the retailer, and the retailer doesn't know my friend from Adam, and SHOULD protect himself by dealing only with me, his original customer.

If my friend has a problem with the gold ingot, he brings it back to ME, the ONLY PERSON ON EARTH that has ever told him it's "24 carat gold". When I refund my friend, *I* go to the original retailer and tell him we've got a problem.

So... you really think, in the above scenario, that my friend has any right to say anything to the original retailer? I don't think any reasonable person would say that they do. Unless this snake was sold with a 5 year/50,000 mile warranty, I don't think for one second the OP had any right bothering BHB about this. He should have gotten his refund from his "friend"... some friend, if he won't step in and make this right for David during all this time...