FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Looking into breeding geckos...but which type is better?
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Old 11-21-2010, 04:26 PM   #5
Leopard geckos are IMO easier to keep. Leos do require heat, however Rhacodactylus require daily or ever other day misting. They also are messier (the poop on the sides of the enclosure etc), and the enclosures themselves need to be cleaned more often, rather than just changing the paper towel substrate each week. I've been breeding leopard geckos on a medium scale (100-200 breeders) for many years, and bred my first cresteds in 2000. I've kept large collections of both for several years and did finally sell off my Rhac collection, because they took up so much more time than the leos.

Of course, the above is just my opinion based on my experiences. My passion for leopard geckos is something that I will always have, so I might be a tad biased. ;-)

Good luck with whatever you decide. Both leopards and cresteds are simple to breed and in the beginner category when it comes to keeping, so you can't go wrong either way!