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Old 12-01-2010, 02:16 PM   #24
Originally Posted by sschind View Post
There is a flaw in your comparison of AB to the BOI. I read through some of the threads on the first page of AB and if I am not mistaken every single one of those threads is a positive review. There may be a few negative posts hidden in some of the longer threads (which might be the reason they are longer) but all started with a positive post. Positive posts and threads have a tendency to be much much much shorter (how many multiple page good guy threads are there on BOI compared to bad guy threads).
Well, that's the thing, on AB.com only people related to the transaction post, therefore negative threads sink to the bottom because there's no drama, positives are more common so those threads go up to the top. Also, it's worth noting if not already obvious that the arachnid community is much smaller, therefore less suppliers and less people to be screwed, I was just pointing that out as an efficient format. And it doesn't read Negative ______, honestly, the title is probably half the reason some of these threads attain the size they do.

You have people defending others and people who just love the drama and can't resist being a part of it.
The latter is the main reason I offered the suggestion actually.

IMO, in 99% of the bad guy threads on the BOI everything you need to make an informed decision can be found within the first page and I have hardly, if ever, found it any more enlightening to read beyond the second page. I have read beyond the second page for entertainment purposes but I don't think I have ever discovered any additional information that has changed my mind. I have on occasion found additional information that has cemented my opinions but nothing that has changed it. If you are reading beyond 2 pages of any BOI thread it is because you want to and not because you need to.
I've noted similar, however it's not always that simple and I always feel somethings going to happen to change my applied status of one or both parties. If a thread keeps going on, I feel like there's something else to be heard, sometimes there is, other times not so much, you never really know.

I understand what you are saying but as Rich pointed out editing is not possible (nor is it desirable) Putting an arbitrary cut of is not practical either because first where do you put it? And, second, though I find it highly suspect something truly eye opening would have shown up on the very next post would happen after several pages, it can happen and for that reason alone leaving the threads open indefinitely has validity.
Well, yes, quite a conundrum... I have my own opinions on the matter but that doesn't matter. I was simply pointing out that it's difficult.

I should also point out that for probably half of the BOI bad guy threads I wind up crossing both parties off my list of people to deal with or adding someone else who just can't resist chiming in with some insightful information (usually defending one of the parties) so in that case lengthy threads can be of benefit.

The bottom line is nothing is going to change (and I'm not saying it needs to change) unless the people doing the posting change and lets face it, that is not going to happen because people are how they are. They think they are being helpful and that makes them feel important. Sometimes they are, sometimes they aren't but you won't be able to convince them of that.
Fair enough. Just offering my opinion and the thread has been fulfilled I suppose.