FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - "Diluting" BOI threads?
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Old 12-02-2010, 03:10 PM   #26
Dennis Hultman
Originally Posted by ThomasHicks View Post
Well, most sites I frequent with reviews sections only allow people directly affiliated with the transaction to post, and they read smooth as butter. It's not helping anyone to see people saying things like "post more proof", "I think you should [/shouldn't] get a refund", etc.

Take AB.com for example, read a couple of threads and tell me it doesn't read easier - http://www.arachnoboards.com/ab/forumdisplay.php?f=9. The point gets across just as well, if not better actually and it doesn't take 2% as long to read. Just a quick "positive" or "negative" and the reasoning. And if anyone has a negative review to be given, just search "negative" on the thread and viola! A quick 2 second search and you know no one's reported being screwed over by that person.

Again, take the Wise thread for example, from the first post you really know enough to know not to deal with them. The extra drivel really isn't necessary, it's just obnoxious.


Well, you see there are many times that the good people over on arachno boards send people here to discuss things when it doesn't fit in with what they want on their site. There are many members here that are in good standing with both sites. Not every site is established with the same criteria and goal in mind. The Board of Inquiry was set up to handle these specific topics. The rest of Fauna Classifieds, forums, classifieds, have all grown up around the BOI. Not the other way around. This site was a feedback specific site for years. It took many more years to drive traffic in the forums and much longer to get the classifieds of the ground. So, yes many sites do offer review sections on their sites but none were built on that feedback section like Fauna was. It was the first in this industry to offer a wide buyer and seller review when many sites wouldn't dare let you post something negative about a person or business online. Many still don't. Many of those sites send people here to utilize this function. Even sites with their own review section send people here for this resource. Even sites and people that have problems with the BOI or Rich turn to Fauna to get the word out when they have been burnt. They know it will get the attention here to resolve or inform the industry of what has transpired.

Rich started the original BOI many years ago because of a bad transaction he had. There was absolutely no where for him to get his information out to people at the time.

I've seen much happen over the years here. I've seen how that "drivel" has done so much more for people than a simple review section could have ever done with nobody being able to probe. Yes, some drivel can be annoying, sometimes way off-topic but I would rather have it than not. What is drivel to one may be something productive and helpful to another. I guarantee because of what you may think as drivel, may have saved someone from making mistakes, helped recovered animals or funds. Picking what "drivel" could be allowed would be a hard task unless it is so far off the topic.

Also noting your examples-

Originally Posted by ThomasHicks
Is this really necessary as a chronic re-post? Do you think that's helping the intentions of the thread? To raise awareness/seek justice.
Originally Posted by crissabella View Post
There is nothing that they can say that will even come close to rectifying this horrible situation. Anything that will come out of their mouths will be for naught. Nothing they do or say will help ease the betrayal felt by Maggie, her kids, Rick, and everyone on Fauna that believed they were contributing to help those families in need during those families darkest hours

While it may do nothing to directly solve an issue, remember who the thread is about. It may just be "drivel" to you and many but I doubt it is so to Maggie. While you may have problems seeing those types of posts from multiple people it does serve some purpose. I'm sure Maggie appreciates it but it also keeps the thread in line of sight for those viewing the BOI. People do take notice when a BOI thread starts taking off. They want to see what people are so interested in.

You can limit yourself strictly to the "smooth as butter" reviews on the other sites
Originally Posted by ThomasHicks View Post
That's what I do. Lol...

Oh yes, but where? Correct me if I'm wrong but were you not banned from the specific forum you are stating is better? That may seem like "drivel" to this thread but it could lead to significant point.