FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Reptile Basics SIM incubation box
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Old 12-07-2010, 11:58 AM   #21
Originally Posted by Gregg Madden View Post
Stephanie, You are right I am sorry... Still not sure how you can form an opinion on our product or compare it to other methods when you have never used it... Our own findings and reports from our users seem to say the exact opposite of what you say...
I am also unsure how you come to the conclusion that this container is only good for small scale breeders... There are many large scale breeders using the container and some of them converted completely to using the S.I.M...
I would like to know where you are getting the info you need to come up with these assumptions...
It's fine, Gregg. I'm sorry you misunderstood my comments and intentions.

The science behind your SIM containers isn't new, that's how I can compare it to other forms of incubation. Yes, your containers are new and have nice additions like the rails to prevent individual eggs from rolling. But what it does compared to other substrate-less incubation methods is not (if done properly, of course). Your product definitely took the guess work out of substrate-less for the newbie and for someone new to substrate-less, I would definitely suggest your SIM containers over trying to go at it alone (and potentially make mistakes).

My opinion on it not being worth-while for me (or larger breeders) to use the SIM containers is because a) I have refined my substrate-less incubation containers and see no reason to replace what I have when it has proven to work b) the cost would be ridiculous to get enough to support a single season of eggs (I estimated $2,000 based on online pricing just to get through this season of clutches - also because of the smaller size of the containers). I understand the high cost is because of the quality materials, there's no argument there. I still don't see a way to justify the expense.

Originally Posted by Gregg Madden View Post
My personal favorite is cellulose sponge material... This has worked great and many people are using it as a medium... Just soak the sponge, ring it out, and you have the perfect amount of water in your container...
I'd be interested in knowing a little bit more about this method. I never thought of using sponge! From the hognose clutch picture, it looks like standard household cleaning sponges shredded? Are you able to disinfect and reuse them for the next season? Is their anything further you could share?