FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Reptile Basics SIM incubation box
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Old 12-07-2010, 01:01 PM   #25
Originally Posted by Gregg Madden View Post
The cellolose sponge material is basically shredded household sponge...The sponge can be cleaned and reused over and over... I left one of the container with the cellulose sponge material for months after the eggs hatched out just to see if it would grow mold or bacteria from the left over egg fluid... There is no mold and the lack of any smell at all would indicate that there is no significant bacterial level... However, I would clean the sponge after the clutch or clutches are done hatching
Very cool. Do you use a higher quality sponge (or a particular brand)? I know cheapy ones only get a few uses out of them when I'm cleaning with them and I would imagine they wouldn't be a good candidate for multiple reuse?

I think I'm going to try the sponge method this year on one clutch of each species to experiment myself. I imagine boiling them (sponges, not the eggs!) would be sufficient for disinfecting for reuse?