FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Info Ashley Caspillo-SakaraGT4/Sakara *Possible Buyer Beware!*
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Old 12-08-2010, 08:37 AM   #120
This has been one of the most interesting displays of someone taking on too much too fast and thinking they know everythomg when in fact they have only a slight clue. I hate to be blunt but this is very messed up that she has been selling animals under the assumption that pythons go faster than boids therory. What a crock! I have read her bad guy post of the BCL and she claims that she only buys from well known breeders and quarantines all her animals for many months which has been completly dissproved now. It makes me wonder if the BCL was infact a BCL she got from a non well known breeder and was just mad because it died and she feels she is way too smart to have an animal die. She also has not taken down the post on other sights about selling snakes as I believe she feels that she has done nothing wrong. And if she was so smart why was she on redtail forums trying to figure out how to get rid of mites? Anyone in the buisness that is as smart as she claims would know how to deal with mites with no questions ask. She has taken on too much too fast as others have said and now it is bitting her in the rear. I hope that she gets the picture and slows down and fixes her problems. I also hope that she replie to the breeder she got the original BCL from to let him know that she feels that those results could have possibly been wrong in her opinion. She slandered him a lot just to backtrack when confronted about selling animals that could possibly have IBD. What a tool. Thanks for all the info from everyone who has posted here. This helps the reptile community a lot to know what is out there to help control the spread the best we can of this horrible disease.