FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - How do you "train" your dragon?
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Old 12-11-2010, 02:55 AM   #4
Wow, this is a great thread. I am a newbie, but so far, i found my baby V. tristis to have some type of an intelligent. They are very watchful at the things that i do around their cage and they all have their own personality.

One of them doesn't like me, so when i put my hand near him, he would just run and hide. the other two doesn't mind it. the other two would even take food from my hand when i offer it close to them. They would also allow me to pet them with my finger. I think that i would knock on their cage from now on before i feed them, to let them know that it's feeding time. I eventually want them to run over to me when i have food to offer. what i noticed is that when i want to pick them up, the two that would allow me to get close, i would touch their tail and then lightly pick them up by gliding my fingers starting at the base of the tail. they don't like it when I grab them by the head or upper body area.