FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Info Ashley Caspillo-SakaraGT4/Sakara *Possible Buyer Beware!*
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Old 12-19-2010, 04:22 PM   #259
Originally Posted by Adrya View Post
Amercnwmn, why the hell is Sakara PMing you trying to correct you and having you post what she said, instead of posting here and attempting to correct things herself? She needs to quit third-partying.
Not sure
Maybe hoping it'll just go away?
Maybe just has no more to say on the matter..

I agree, she should be here facing the music, so to speak.

Ashley, you can't honestly claim you "didn't know.."

The information was there, and other people tried NUMEROUS times to advise you against selling/breeding given the circumstances of the IBD threat.

I agree, Hank.

I'm glad it has been allowed to be posted on other websites.

Personally I think threads that involve the health & well-being of animals, potential spread of disease/parasites/illness, as well as information proving people are scammers, should be shared with the community.
There has to exist a level of "proof" in the accusations, however.

It seems perfectly acceptable to allow people to share vital health care information based on hearsay, and WITH ZERO experience behind the advice on the forums, but NOT share warnings about PROVEN issues.

The links could be provided, let people read it here, and have the thread closed on the other forums, so any comments would have to be made on the BOI..At least the info would be there for people to see.

There are tons of people in the reptile community, many aren't even members of the online forums, by networking information such as this, it could save people whose livelihoods depend on breeding/selling snakes, and those whose collections mean more to them than all the money in the world.