FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - People aren't born afraid of spiders and snakes: Fear is quickly learned during infan
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Old 01-26-2011, 02:19 AM   #9
No she didn't allow me near them and actually made him get rid of either all or most before they split up (I don't remember what she said it was), mostly due to their sizes or being venomous. She kept me away from them as long as she could and tried to teach me to stay away from them, but I will admit that there wasn't an opportunity for me to see her react until I was already old enough to wander the yard alone.

My first memory of her showing her fear was when I was already in kindergarten and had snuck home a Texas Brown Snake in my backpack from the babysitters. Mom caught me with it in the bathtub and went berserk screaming for my Grandfather. The only thing I learned was not to sneak snakes into the house so I considered everything else fair game and was caught with pretty much everything native at one point or another.