FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Regurgitation Help-Trying to throw-up, nothing coming out??
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Old 02-25-2011, 04:07 PM   #55
Originally Posted by crotalusadamanteus View Post
I don't have a problem at all. This is your thread, not mine. I was merely trying to help you out so you might avoid some of the horror stories I've witnessed and experienced over the 35+ yrs I've been keeping Boas. And I also wasn't bashing you. Not one bit. I was however using sarcasm to try and get your attention. Sorry if that offended you.

I also don't know everything. I learn new stuff all the time. But I have learned over the years, that neither do vets. They sometimes will say they are reptile qualified, just to get the business, when in reality, they've seen 2 turtles and one bearded dragon in their whole time practicing. Unfortunately, it's us and our reptiles that pay a price for that. Like the example given in the picture above. I was recommended to that "reptile vet" when my usual vet was on vacation. His wrongful administration of injectable baytril cost me over $2,000 in corrective surgery due to the cellulitis and necrosis caused by that improper injection of Baytril.

Now those are informative answers to the questions that were posed to you earlier. That is all I was trying to accomplish. But me being such a "communication expert" (that's more sarcasm BTW) many have taken my line of questioning the wrong way. I'm getting better though.

I see nothing wrong with the conditions you are keeping them in, provided the instrumentation you use to measure it is accurate. The thing is, URI isn't something that happens, it's something that is CAUSED, usually by improper environmental conditions. This is why I asked all the questions I asked earlier.

Baytril is a great wide spectrum anti biotic. It works even better in a warmer environment. You might consider while administering it, raising the temps just a few degrees.

An example of why being very clear is so important.

Oral administration is exactly what its called. It's an excepted method if properly instructed. Did the vet supply you with a catheter (long tube) to ensure it gets far enough down the throat to avoid aspiration, and reduced the risk of it coming back up?

More to it then just shooting it in their mouth. This is a sure fire way to cause aspiration. If the meds are not administered far enough down, then they can spit it back up, or inhale it through their glottus (aspiration) and that can cause even more problems turning something relatively low cost into something more expensive.

It all depends on the strength of the meds themselves. Like with Tylosine (Tylan) many anti-biotics come in different strengths. The stronger the dosage, the less you need. You will give a lot more tylan 50 then you will tylan 200. I too prefer injections because once you know how to do it properly, it is a lot less stressful then tubing meds down their throat.

I know I can be a bit rash in my communication. It has to do with being raised by filthy heathen biker scum, and how we talk to each other. LOL I also have much more concern for animals, than if I insult someone, or hurt their feelings while giving advice. But I wasn't trying to be offensive to you, even if it did come out that way.

I wish you the best for your Boa. Good luck.
I really appreciate all that, and am horrible with sarcasm. but thanks for filling all that out for me..I haven't been able to get ahold of the vet yet, and no, it's just a normal syringe. :/ I left a message with the assistant so hopefully she will get back to me and I can post what her explanation is...
Thanks again.